So here's the deal, Pickles is now 11 months old (PWC), and spoiled rotten.  When we got him from the breeder he was the biggest in his litter and most definitely the alpha of the group. Knowing this, my girlfriend and I have made it a priority from the beginning to socialize him and use the positive reinforcement techniques in training him. He is a very loving and affectionate dog that is very protective of the house and us (his mommy and daddy). He is alot longer and more muscular than your average Corgi, He has also already been neutered and he is housebroken. He is very inquisitive as well. He has never met a stranger before, and is very very good when we take him on walks downtown or to the dog park, he seems to do really well in a public environment and is usually the center of attention. He started becoming food aggressive around six months and was very protective of his food bowl. After working with him, he is much better with his food bowl and does not challenge me anymore. 

Two new problems have risen though:

One) When we try and bathe him now he basically turns into the incredible hulk. He used to not put up a fight @ all and would patiently stand there while we bathed/dried him but the last two times he wanted to rip my hands off!

Two) When he would get tired @ night we used to be able to pick him up and put him in his crate, but now when he is tired, you cannot even think of picking him up or touching him in general, he becomes very aggressive and stubborn, even though once you get him in his crate he is fine, he loves his crate, just not the act of being put in it. 

[Ive started to fix this problem, he seems to respond well to being put on his leash @ night and being lead into his crate now]

Any suggestions how to curb his bathing and sleep etiquette?  Thanks, Appreciate it!  

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Karen, I love the creative vacuum cleaner solution!  Also that you had the Vet check out Tilly before concluding it was behavioral.  The pinning down in this case worked, I still find it very risky for the person doing it.  Glad it worked well for you.


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