so on rugers akc papers i put rugger red and then mcdougald for his last name cause its my boyfriends last name and someday mine so i didnt see the big deal but he is saying he wanted to give him his own last name and i said who does that when you go to the vet they use your last name for the dogs but anyways it got me thinking mayb i shouldnt have even put a name and just put ruger red what do you guys think i havent sent it in yet so let me know i can always black the boxes out so let me know what u guys think cause im confussed

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Hi Brittany, it really doesn't matter because AKC papers may worth something to a breeder, for the rest of us folks, it is nothing but a piece of paper. However, there' something else you and your significant other may want to consider. Since the beginning of (07), we've had couples who got married and annulled within the same month, bf/gf broke up before the corgi turns one. Re-home due to newborn baby allergic to corgis. I personally had to rehome 2 corgis due to a divorce, foreclosure. There's bf who still share corgi "custody" with his ex-gf...etc. 


I know no one wants to discuss about these things, but they are very real. Food for thought, that "last name" may hold significant determine factor in the future. Just like wills, cars, house and finance, you two need to have a serous talk. Good luck!

I didn't give Franklin a last name. He is "San Francisco's Ballpark Frank".  His (my) last name will appear on all his vet records but his AKC name doesn't even show up on the vet records so its just for fun for us owners or in case we wanted to do something like rally or agility with them. Make sure to list a few names or get creative just in case your first choice is taken
well i know that stuff hapens i was married for seven years and together with my ex for 10 and have to boys with him but with my boyfriend we love each other very much and have been together for two and a half year have a house and cars together and on the akc papers both of us are listed as owners so i dontthink there would be a problem and we wouldnt rehome him ever ifit ever happened we would probably share him cause we both love him and i dont have a problem sharin my kids with my ex so there wouldnt be a problem sharing him

Frosty was already named before we got him, but personally, I wouldn't use a last name.  Most have names that if they included anything it is the breeders name.  I would recommend leave off the last name and just register him as "Ruger Red."  Then it is not an issue.


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