Hello, been reading from this site for a bit now, and finally decided to join and post a question thats been bugging me.

My pembroke corgi Kit has recently (at about 5 months) started to become comfortably with going up and down stairs, before he was scared. Perhaps he didn't see/realize the progression and just saw the end result. He also started to jump off couches and beds at about the same time.

My question is if he's still too young to be jumping off the couch and bed (bed is pretty low, about his height) and at about what age did you see your corgi able to actually jump UP on things? I keep lifting him up on the bed and couch, and I don't know if he's just curious of whats going on or if he actually wants to get on the bed/couch so I'm looking forward to him being able to make up his own mind if he wants on the furniture. :p

Thanks in advance

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Caleb will tackle any stairs we allow him to. He'll jump down (though thankfully he gives us time to lift him down before he just leaps) but he will not jump onto things. At this time he could likely make it onto at least one of our chairs but nope, he won't even try.
He'll chase the cats and then hop so his front feet are on whatever furniture they've jumped onto but he himself will not try to jump up. He's about 4.5 months old.


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