My little guy Harry used to ALWAYS sleep through the night with NO barking....he is now 8 months old...
the last few weeks he start barking in the middle of the night, no doubt waking up the neighbors.

Last night be was barking at 11:30pm. I got up let him out AGAIN and put him back in his crate with his bark collar on. At 4:30 he was barking mad again and I finally had to get up. The bark collar sprays him when he barks but I find it spins on his neck and is not always affective.

Any suggestions? He already gets 2 walks a day and lot so playtime...I am at my wits end!

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I remember that happening about that age.I think Kitty was testing (the way kids do) to see what the reaction was.I do know,for sure,that she would hear noises or other pets(?) Even now,at 1 1/2 yrs. old,she'll bark in the middle of the night.But,she sleeps in a crate kennel in the garage and hears deer or our cats.Do you think Harry is hearing noises?Do your verbal commands help at all?
Theo did this for about a week straight when he was about 5 or 6 months old. I tried a bark collar too. It worked a little bit, but I had the same problem with it turning. I ended up moving his crate downstairs so we wouldn't hear him barking. I guess that's not an option for you, since you're worried about waking the neighbors. It's something Harry should grow out of, hopefully very soon!


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