I would love to ride a bicycle with my corgi. She is small (around 21-22pounds). What would be the best way? On a basket? On a sling? Has anybody done this? Any info would be thankful, thanks.

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I keep thinking I should get a bicycle and just let Dax run beside me, he has SO much energy! He would never sit still in a basket or sling, but I think it's a great idea if your pup is calm. I couldn't tell you the best way though, they both sound like they would be okay if she sits still, maybe a basket would be better so she's not so restrained. But once again, only if she'll sit still and won't try to jump out. Heh.
There is a person on another website that has one of the adult tricycles, and he puts his dog in the back basket part. Of course, he has in harnessed in so that he doesn't jump out. Or, you can get one of the bike trailers and pull him along. I would think having a basket in the front on the handle bars would be too much weight, and the steering around corners may scare your dog.
As a biker, I'd say it sounds like a good way to ruin a good walk, ruin a good ride, and maybe get somebody hurt.
What happens to the dog when you fall?
You might be able to almost-safely confine a small dog in a tiny crate securely mounted on the rack -- 25 lbs.mounted high above the center-of-gravity, ick -- but the dog would almost certainly prefer a good walk.
Bicycles are dangerous. Take them seriously.
I've put my dog in front basket before when I was in Japan. It does not work too well... well, it worked for a 5 min ride. It's not really worth it though. As Lou Ann said, sine Corgis are too heavy, when you put something heavy (that moves) in front, it really throws off your balance. Also, my dog had her harness on, but she kept wanted to stand up to see things, and in order to prevent it, I had to constantly keep my left hand on her harness, resulting in riding with right hand only. As John said, it was dangerous. I think the best way is to keep them in the back of the bicycle. It would be nice if I had those tricycle thing, but if you have a regular bicycle, it would be wise to invest on those dog trailer thing. They used to only have huge ones, but now they are coming out with medium size which looks like perfect for Corgis. They are a bit pricy (over $100), but when you think about taking them to the vet by putting them in a basket or sling improperly, that's cheap, and definitely can say that it will be a wise investment.
Thanks for all the responses. Definitely a lot to consider. Thanks again!!
I just got a bike and am thinking about taking my corgi out too.
I'm thinking about getting either:

1. A trailer


2. WalkyDog :

This is Bear in his Yakama trailer and he loves it. Although you can't see it there is a deep water dish in the bottem of the trailer and a couple of extra bottles in the back. Also, there is a thick blanket on the seat for him to lay on. Last year up above Denver we spent the whole day out riding (about 65 miles) with lots of breaks to explore the mountains and he just loved it. He gets in the trailer by himself everytime I hook it to my bike and has only complained a couple of times, in Florida on the beach, when I ride through water and forget to put down the plastic windsheld.
That's awesome! I'd prefer the trailer instead of the walker thing. I say that because I'm still trying to work on Freya staying on one side.

Tammey, what a great way to go! Fun and safe for both. 

Don't try this at home!

Beause your Corgi may not be one of these.

I use a front basket for short(30-60 min) smooth bike rides or a large (rather long) backpack for Sassy when she is tired. She is looking forward to get to the basket or to the backpack. I let Sassy run by my side, she is pretty good, but cannot keep it up for longer rides and she is very happy to go to the basket or to the backpack and to observe from there. Usually people crack up after we pass. she is not a lap dog by any means and she sits quietly only in three places: someones laps in the front passenger seat, bike basket or backpack. i can use the same backpack when rollerblading or walking. during long touring she can try to take a nap. When riding a bike or waking i can wear the backpack in the front ("frontpacking"). 


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