Hello. As some of you may know, my corgi Napolean, has his own youtube channel. I really want to start posting more videos in order to show the world how wonderful corgis (or any dog in general) are! I thought of a video idea a while back but have never achieved the final video because it seemed too hard to film with just ONE corgi. So now I ask if anyone else on Mycorgi.com,who has a passion for this breed, is willing to be a part of this video!!

If you are interested keep on reading....

The idea of this video is "50 Facts about the Corgi" (a general title, but not a final one; feel free to suggest any title ideas). The title speaks for the video as the film will be about the 50 most interesting facts about the corgi breed. I already have 50 facts written down but I would LOVE to see how many points us corgi lovers can come up with about this amazing breed. If you would like to be a part of this video all you have to do is film your corgi performing the "fact"; it can be a short clip, even as long as 10 seconds. Once you film your idea, email the video to PetluverChannel@yahoo.com  so I can start to put the video together.

I just thought this would a much more fun way of doing this video. I hope many of you are able to participate and make this video the best on this youtube channel! Thank you so much for those who consider and especially those who choose to take part in the video :))

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Hi Joan and Gabby, great concept, you may want to include a model / property release form and signed for the participants, so that all legal grounds are covered. Good luck!

Okay. Thanks for the suggestion!
It's my policy when I shoot for friends to always have a basic model release signed. To protect yourself and them from any toes getting stepped on.

I would post the worst possible traits of Corgis. There are many people who would not be good people for Corgis and just putting positive things up will do the breed no good at all. Every yahoo that thinks they can make a buck breeding dogs will soon be breeding Corgis and they will end up like the popular breeds of the past and present-neurotic poor specimens of the breed. We all found Corgis and their greatness pretty much on our own. Let those poor Corgi-less people remain in the dark!!! Go Lesser Corgi Society!!!

I read your list and about half of them are not true for either of my 2 Corgis. Sorry to be cranky but I really think we should not be promoting Corgis to the general public.

I feel this way too but it has already happened. Corgis have gone Internet famous already and have become a popular breed. The spread of this breed is pretty much inevitable and cannot be avoided. A major point of the video is to point out the corgi breed's FLAWS to remind people that these dogs are not for everyone. Many people are uneducated when it comes to finding the perfect breed and by making this video these people can be informed of the responsibilities of a corgi.

It's okay, you have very reasonable points. I did say that my ideas were just a few traits corgis have and would love if people could chime in on new ideas that apply to a lot of corgis in general. This is why I presented the idea for everyone to help with this video because I knew I could not base the video on just my own corgi. I know every corgi has a different personality and I actually changed many of the traits to a positive (like swimming...my dog hates swimming). I hope you can see where I am coming from and change your mind to maybe participating in the video. If not, that's okay too.

I think it's a cute idea and one more corgi video on youtube is not going to send the demand for corgis skyrocketing. Yes, corgis are more widely recognized than they were a couple years ago, but I do not see more corgis in my area. Where I live is a popular summer vacation destination and we get a huge cross section of people coming from all over. This summer, for the first time, I mostly get golf carts full of children/teenagers screaming "IT'S A CORGI!" as they go whizzing by, not people stopping me and asking questions about the breed or what breeder my dog came from or saying how much they want to get a corgi, etc. I am happy for the breed to be more widely recognized; it sure beats having to hear "What happened to his legs?" or retarded guesses as to what combination of breeds (German Shepherd/Dachshund?) my dog is fifteen times a day... and I still hear plenty of that.

Maybe it is just my area, but I do not see corgis becoming popular. Labradors dominate and after that you see your general mishmash of breeds and mixed breeds without any particularly outnumbering the other. 


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