Sally is our rescue we picked up in December.  She is 3 and we had her spayed May 10th.  She has been a lot more timid since the surgery.  She is scared of the storms, fireworks and any loud noises!  Anyway, yesterday we took the dogs with us for lunch at a friend’s house 1 hour drive away; they have a 14 year old dog and 2 cats (one of the cats loved Sally’s crate).  Everything went wonderful.  They all got along fine!  We noticed that Sally was squatting a lot at their house (outside), but just figured she was marking.  This morning on her walk I thought she was squatting more than usual so I started trying to watch what was coming out.  I think I saw dark color drops.  I know that it’s hard to tell for sure.  When she came home Sally drank lots of water and then wanted back outside right away.  She threw up her breakfast!! I figure it could be from drinking so much water after her walk, but we are watching her closely!  I think I will just wait until dinner to feed her.  I will call the vet in the morning. BTW:  Her nose is cool so I don’t think she has a fever. Does anyone have any other thoughts or ideas?

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We are glad to hear that Sally is doing better! :)
That's great news. I would guess that two more weeks on the prescription food would be enough, then move to regular food. You can do two things: try her on her old food for a while and wait to see if problems come back, or try a food trial of a new food, then retest. You could also retest her on her old food without waiting for problems, of course.

For a food trial, a limited ingredient food would be best, one that uses one protein, one grain, and one fat. California Natural is just one brand, and they make several different formulas. Try to keep her other treats etc. to the same food families. If you choose, say, a fish and potato formula, then give her fish and potato treats. If you go with chicken and rice, the go for chicken based cookies and snacks. Then you can retest her urine after 2 - 4 weeks. If there's problems again, at least you will have an idea what kind of foods may cause her trouble, and try something different if you do another trial.

When I went through several trials, I tried different foods chosen at random. Since they all have many of the same ingredients, I really never understood what I was doing. I would try one, retest, then go back to the prescription food for two weeks, retest, and if she was OK, then try another. Had I used limited ingredient foods, I would have understood it better, and saved a lot of anguish and research time. Of course, I didn't really figure it out. My vet explained it all when I told him what it was I wanted for Lilli.

Again, this is just what I did. Run this all past your own vet if you want to try the food trials.
I plan on keeping her on the prescription food thru next week. I was thinking of trying her food that she was on before, after reading about the chicken jerky from China I think that may have added to the problem along with the stress from her surgery. She almost died on the table and I don’t think she every got back to her normal self from that. The vet isn’t very happy with my decision. He thinks I should keep her on the prescription food. I explained that I would re-test after changing to a new food. I don’t want Sally to suffer; I just feel that the prescription food isn’t the best in the long run. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I am making the right decision for Sally!! If that doesn’t work I’ve been trying to pick which limited ingredient food I will choose. Thanks for your info!!


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