I got my corgi from a breeder named Cathy in Wentworth, MO. She is wonderful if you are looking for a socialized companion, but probably not for a show dog. She has mostly ACA registered, but some AKC registered pups. The puppies are born on a farm with lots of horses and are raised with small children.

Link to her breeders club page:

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They are cute. I noticed the top dog and the bottom dog have major flaws, which of course doesn't hurt them as pets, but they shouldn't be all to breed. What is ACA registered? I've never heard of that before.
Wow, I agree with you Lou Ann.
Well, after researching what ACA was, I understand why the two puppies had serious flaws. It seems a lot of puppy mills use this registration when AKC won't allow them to register the dogs. I'm not saying they won't make great pets, but you could run into major health issues with them and like I said before, they should be spayed and neutered and not allowed to breed. That would also explain the low prices for the puppies.
Hopefully this pup will turn out to be a fine companion for you and your family. This is certainly not a breeder I would feel good about recommending to others. I suspect you found a fair amount of breeding dogs there as well as other breeds. Yep, ACA is a registry that takes little to obtain. Sadly many folks that do not take the time to learn about registries prior to purchasing a pup think any registry or pedigree is a guarantee of quality. Best of luck with your new pal.
Ein is the first purebred dog that I have ever had, and I am not interested in showing dogs and did not want to pay the price of a show dog. He is a great companion, and that was what I was looking for. I picked him up from her home personally and was happy to see the conditions of her dogs. Her dogs were very happy and very social.

I honestly don't know much about the registry either, I didn't take the time to research it because I was looking for a companion, not a show dog. I was given a copy of his parents records and I saw them, they looked healthy. That is the only paperwork I really cared to see.
Jessica, I hope I didn't offend you by my posts. I'm so glad that you have a good companion dog, that is what mine is. It sounds like the puppy had great socialization which is a plus with the breeder. I was just concerned about what ACA was as I never heard of it, and was surprised and shock to what depth some breeders will go to claim that their dogs are "registered" tp get more money out of them.

May I say, that Ein is a cute little thing though. I hope that she is a joy in your life for many, many years. And....I imagine we'll be hearing from you again, when she goes through the "teenage years" as we like to call them here on My Corgi....LOL!!!!


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