Hi there. :] I'm looking to bring home a corgi sometime within the next year or so, and figured I'd start doing my research now. Recently I've become intrigued with Pembrokes with tails, after seeing pictures of ones from countries where tail docking is banned. I was wondering if anyone knew of any breeders here in the US that didn't dock tails as well? I know it'd probably be pretty rare, since most breeders breed for show, and tails would be non standard... But if anyone knows of any breeders that don't, please let me know. I live in Southern California, but I'm open to breeders from farther away if they're reputable and willing to ship. If fate would allow it, I would love a fluffy boy with a tail. :]

Thank you!!

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Thanks for your comment, Jen. To me the tail is not as important as just wanting a pembroke. I think even with rescues, a tail seems hard to find. But I'll keep looking. If the tail thing doesn't work out, I'm sure I'd be just as happy with a docked pembroke. :]

I know Jane Christensen breeds periodically, and doesn't dock hers.  You could check with her.

Thanks for your comment, Jennifer. I'll try to get in contact with her. :]

I was thinking of Jane too. Haven't met her in person yet, would like to, she is very nice and knowledgeable on the breed.

Thanks for your comment, Katy. I'll contact Jane. Unfortunately she is a bit far from me...

Jane has a litter of reds right now and will have another litter by a tri mom in the near future.  She does not dock.

Thanks Lois. I've been talking to Jane already. :]

I know that tails are quiet adorable, but I do have to say that I absolutely LOVE the nubbin as well. I know some breeders dock the tail right at the base and there is no nubbin left, and I hate to see that, but some leave a couple vertebrae still there and the nubbin can be quite expressive! I personally wouldn't trade Frank's nub for a tail, just because I absolutely adore the bunny butt. He doesn't seem to have any issues communicating with other dogs and  actually is the type of dog that gets along with EVERY dog he meets (they love him, but he is still gaining confidence around them). I think a lack of tail may be an advantage for Franklin because he exaggerates other body language so the signal he sends is quite clear, some dogs with tails can send mixed signals (at least to humans) for example a wagging tail on an aggressive dog. There is more to canine communication than a tail and I don't think (at least in my experience with docked dogs) that the tail plays a huge role, there are so many more important messages being sent with body posture, eye contact, and ears. You can easily read a dog's body language without seeing its tail, but you can't really read much about a dog by JUST the tail. 

Thank you for your input, Melissa. I have to admit the nubbin is kinda cute. That's really interesting that not having a tail might be an advantage for Franklin. You do make a good point. :]

Gwynnie is perfectly docked, no nubbin at all.  It does look sleek, almost natural.  Al has 1 vertebra left, and you can see it wag.

Don't know if you saw this posting or not, but there is a pure bred pembroke in a shelter in Bakersfield........http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/22283937

Thanks, Jennifer. Actually I posted that on the rescue forum already. Unfortunately I'm not quite ready to take a dog into my home yet. Otherwise I would...


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