Has anyone had their Corgi break a toe? Chester slipped on the ice and looks like his one foots toes are spayed. Dr. thinks its dislocated and will splint it after x-rays. Cant imagine he will tolerate the splint for long. Any common issues or insights on this? Thanks.
I do hope your pup gets well soon, just try to keep them calm during the time. Any massive pressure I'm sure will just shift those bones further and result in slower healing.
I'd sugguest that you maybe get some IQ interactive games during this time as they don't require running but will exercise the dogs brain which seems to be rather quick with Corgi's ( why they aren't higher in the IQ list I'll never know).
Hope this helps,
Don and Crew
For Franklin I have a TON of interactive toys. I think that saved me the last go round, and will likely help quite a bit this time. The vet this time said I could take him on short on-leash walks (which is TOTALLY opposite of what the last vet said). For safety I haven't been taking him on walks, just very short outside trips to go potty. To keep his cast dry I took a thick plastic bag and fitted it to the splint, then I covered it in gorilla tape (or duct tape) and cut a few holes in it and weaved a piece of gauze through to tie it on. My old vet had old IV fluid bags that they gave me to use for a splint cover, so I'd ask your vet if they have anything like that. Franklin doesn't need the cone now. I used to have to crate him to keep him quiet and when in his crate he'd shred the splint. He is free now so I don't worry about him ruining it. Here are the interactive toys Franklin has collected over the last 2 years:
http://www.amazon.com/StarMark-Everlasting-Treat-Ball-Large/dp/B001... (this is in a medium size)
http://www.amazon.com/StarMark-Everlasting-Treat-Ball-Large/dp/B001... (in small)
http://www.amazon.com/StarMark-TCEFBL-Everlasting-Ball-Large/dp/B00... (in small or medium)
http://www.amazon.com/Sergeants-Pet-7057-Rubber-Puzzler/dp/B003M8GT... (this one is worthless, he just chews it in half and gets the treat out)
http://www.premier.com/View.aspx?page=dogs/products/behavior/busybu... (the waggle toy)
he also has a plain Kong. My favorites (and Franks) are the omega treat ball, tug-a-jug, everlasting treat toy (not the ball), and the nylabone toy. Franklin is REALLY smart when it comes to interactive toys and they usually take him no time at all to get the treats out. The Nylabone toy lasts forever. I just stuff a piece of chicken jerky in it and he'll chew it for an hour. He loves the omega treat ball and can even roll it around the house in his current gimpy state. And honestly, last time by the end of the 12 weeks (it didnt' heal properly) I was very grateful for sedatives. I'm going to see how long I can go this time without them because I don't like a zombie dog. Good luck!!!
I'd love to say that say that any of those work however she figures out those puzzle toys in about 15 minitutes, I do believe the longest time she has spent was on the slider puzzle game. As for anything dispenses treats she learns how to use the enviornment to help dispense treats faster.
Kongs are, well a waste of time really, she has figured out any kong toy in less then 10 min. As for the everlasting treat balls she eats the everlasting treat, the ball and usually leaves me the plastic ring half in tact as a reminder it requires replacement.
Trying to out think her is about as hard as out thinking one of my 2 year old neeses or nephews, I sware I'm going to get her to do my homework one of these days.
Yah, I somehow know that I'm going to pay a price when she is Spayed and seriously not looking forward to it. First of all she is smart enough to get the cone of shame off, or tick off Annabelle whom will pull it off her. Then there is the wonderful paybacks of puddles on my floor.
I'll take any sugguestions that anyone has to offer in keeping her busy. I guess I could attempt to strengthen her training but that lasts 5 to 10 min. before she gets board with it.
Oh, any ideas on how to sanitize the area and how far would you sugguest I go. Would laundry detergent aggervate the wounds or possibly cause infections, should I use bleach to clean her crate items or not when washing them.
Ok new issue with Chester--since he has the splint on for his toe, every nite he gets up (now is getting around very well, hobbling) and paces and whines..12-1am, then 3-4am..finally gave up and put him on our bed which isnt a picnic either!
Any ideas for training him to settle down and go Nite Nite? Any advice is appreciated !
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