Brooklyn was diagnosed with Cancer last week. He is 12 years old and my baby boy. He has a rare one called Leiomyosarcoma. He went in for emergency surgery two weekends ago because the vet found a large mass on his spleen. They removed the mass and his spleen. She sent it off for the biopsy and well we got the bad news. She got a hold of the oncologist because it is rare to find out what we could do. There is a slight possibility that when she removed the mass and spleen she got it all but there is also that possibility that there was a cell left behind. We will not know until something happens. The vets are giving him only 1 to 3 months to live if the cancer is there and we do not do chemo, or 6/12 months with the chemo. We have decided not to do the chemo and prolong what may happen anyways, but to keep him comfortable as possible until we notice he is starting to suffer. This is so hard on us. We just put our 15 year old Corgi down November 1st. Brooklyn is doing well right now. Playing and eating just fine. My husband and I are in two different states right now and he has Brooklyn. I had to move back to Texas and he wanted to keep Brookie for company until we are joined together again in May. It is so hard for me to know that I may not get to say good bye to my bud. It is hard for my husband to look at Brooklyn every day and wonder if and when it is going to happen. Does anyone know of any Corgi cancer support groups? Please pray for all of us. That Brooklyn does not have any cancer in him and that all of us have the strength to do what is right for Brooklyn. Please do not pass judgment on us for not doing Chemo. We really feel that it is best for him to be able to live his life out with out the pain and suffering of chemo.