I'm trying to acclimate Freya to riding in a car. Her first major trip was from the breeder to our house, which was a 3 hour drive up and 3 down to the house. She pretty much slept that off and whined because she was hungry and I didn't want to feed her in the car.

Now, she sleeps most of the car trips we take, no matter how short it is. Is this cause she feels car sick? I know I've done that to combat car sickness too.

So, when I leave the family room to go to the bathroom or kitchen, Freya will follow me and start barking at me. Is that herding? Is that what she is doing? I know when she's biting my calves or my feet that is part of it, but the barking? Or is s he asking me to play with her and I'm just reading it all wrong?

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If Freya sleeps in the car, it's because she's relaxed and comfortable. Car sick dogs don't sleep, and often will vomit or even poo. You have a good traveler....be thankful!!

As far as the following goes, it probably is coming from her herding instinct, but she might view herself as pack leader and be upset that you, the follower, are leaving her. Even though a behavior is coming from instinct, you should curb this one immediately, as it can result in her doing this with everyone who leaves your house. You can correct her by giving her a quick push on her neck with hard fingertips (a Cesar "bite") and a firm NO. It must be a strong enough correction that distracts her from her current behavior, you are basically blocking the brain from continuing and showing her that the behavior is unacceptable to you. If you've done it right, she'll stop barking and look up at you or turn away.

And you may want to examine the rest of your day with her...is she acting as leader in other areas? You'll want to work on those, too in order to prevent behaviors like this from creeping up. Our puppies are so cute, but be careful not to let something cute turn into a nightmare! :) If you teach your puppy the rules while they are young, it's so much easier than trying to redirect a bad habit.
I agree with the other two posts...sleeping in the car is a good thing. :) My family had a border collie that took forever to get used to car rides....she would stand up the whole time and lean on you, shake, and drool everywhere! Oh, and it seemed like she would spontaneously shed, as well! *VBG* It was awful...took several years for her to be calm in the car.
Freya seems like she's adjusting to the car well...and the more you take her, the better she'll be. If she was getting motion sick, she would most likely throw up or, at least, drool. Pooing is a worst case scenario. ;)
Yeah, I have to get seat covers and possibly some kind of harness for both her and the Weim. The Weim especially since he is being frantic and looking out at of every window he can look through. If Freya isn't asleep, she will do her darndest to get in my lap to sleep while I drive--and I'm not accepting that behavior as it is dangerous and I really don't like anything in my way.

Well, come February, I'll be training Freya. We'll be attending class! Yay, I'm excited. I'm going to try the Kennel Club's class first and if that isn't good, I'll be going to the Petsmart classes.
Ein is a petsmart graduate! The puppy education course is mostly: potty training, sit, down, stay, come, take it, leave it, and how to greet people without jumping on them. They also address issues like chewing and barking.

He did really good on it.
Never had a dog that did not like going in the car for rides.
Ein loves to nap on car rides, beats having him bouncing around in the car lol. He has never gotten sick in the car though.

The barking I think is part of the herding. Corgis are very bossy dogs! Ein's favorite spot is the couch, and he wants everyone to be on the couch with him. He also barks when he needs to go potty outside too.
I wish Duncan would be so good on car rides. He HATES them! He whines constantly. I don't know if it's because when we went to get him, he whined the whole way to home to our house, which was only about 2 miles and I held him or what. I've tried taken him on short rides, to nice spot for a walk, to show him that all car rides don't mean the vet.

I would stop that biting of the calves and feet while you are walking. She could really hurt someone as she gets bigger, doing that. Duncan would try that when he was little, and I had a spray bottle I kept with me and would spritz him in the face and tell him NO whenever he done that. Now, he "pushes" with his shoulder or bumps you with his nose when he walks behind you and wants to you go where he wants.

When Duncan was little, my husband was on the floor, playing with him and Duncan was running around him barking trying to get him to move. My husband had his head down, and Duncan was pulling on his hair when he suddenly grabbed onto my husband's ear and managed to bite a small hole right through it at a thin spot at the tip of his ear. I thought for sure my husband would say get rid of him, but, luckily, he realized that it was a herding instinct, one to get a stubborn cow moving, and forgave him. He never made that mistake again. I did ask my husband if he wanted an stud put in his ear while the hole was there....LOL


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