our rescue carli just stuck her foot in a gopher hole at full speed. Can't bear weight just collapses and hasn't made a sound, palpation of the bones finds no gross angulation or deformity without crepitus on movement. Flexing each joint finds the first joint up (wrist ?? i know people not dogs) to be tender in what would be the normal standing position. got a call into our personal vet who is deciding if they want to stay at the office a little longer or punt us to a bigger vet with an emergency dept. anybody got a few tests for ruling out other injuries? or maybe this happend to you? thanks ps if i don't get back i probably on a C2 run to the vet, thanks

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Keeping Carli in prayer and sending positive energy your way. Let us know how the vet visit goes.
couple of ducats later and a whiz bang xray read by some retired profs from ucdavis, we got ourselves a joint mouse! What in the sam heck is that? its a bone chip that is currenty roaming about her elbow. Vet gave her some happy juice, gave mommy and daddy a pat on the back and we will see what happens next, dollars to pesos the rimadyl will reduce in inflamation, act as a painkiller and the morning will tell the tale, if she still can't bear weight in 2 to 3 days its gonna get spendy. not that anybody read this but i do like to close out posts lol, have a good night!
Good to hear that she is comfortable for now, Max had a cast on his leg and it was hilarious. Click clunk click clunk that's all we heard for weeks.
I hope that Carly is much better in a couple of days. Here's some vibes coming from "Redwood Country" for a speedy recovery.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
Hope all is well w/in 2 to 3 days. Some joint mice will dissolve w/in time or calcify. Did this vet think she may need surgery?
he was waiting for the written report of the radiologist to make that call. he's not sure if the injury today even caused the bone chip cause he couldn't see any missing hunks on the joint surfaces. so good rpt and up and walking is the best prognosis yay we hope
Hope everyone is feeling better this morning
WERE WALKING!! not great but limping is weight bearing and thats better than not
made number 1 and number 2 and doesnt have that im stoned out of my gourd look. she looks so funny when she's stoned her ears flatten out sidways and she just stares at you like she knows your talking but she doesn't know what to do about it. lol. its funny but you can't laugh cause your worried about her pain. But the limping is indicating more the strain sprain thank the tendon tear or snap. Daddy a happy boy!
Yeah, Carli! The secret will be to keep her exercise "limited" and crate rest! No vet ever tried that with a corgi and succeeded for long!
Crikey, we're just seeing this about Carli's saga and are glad that she's doing good now. Poor baby. Dem dam gopher holes anyhoot!

Hope she mends up perfectly!
so this night finds our corgles, yes corgles, a very confused epi and still limping and stoic carli. Epi can't figure out why carli wont play, why carli gets the prized dinner fork, and why carli gets the special treat (has her anti inflammatory in it). carli is succeeding in her limited movement bid as she is very much a couch dog at heart only the ball reall gets her moving. Still feeding still drinking, still with a barely weight bearing limp but its there and i am so relieved. Starting to get the hang of keeping epi busy enough to leave carli alone. But that does leave her open to the marauding cat, he knows she wont walk off so he rubs and rolls and cuddles with his new buddy and she just looks at us begging to let her bite him. Secretly im sure they have no issues but a dog has to save face in front of other dogs, lol. makes for some chuckles as she tries to get her face as far away from the kitty as possible while he tries to get as close as possible. no phone from the vet but hey is new years day, unless somthing odd happens i don't think ill belabor the recuperation and healing time here as there are shurley more interesting things to ask and learn. thank you all for your good vibes, thoughts and cosmic wishes! i took my tinfoil hat off long enough to recive them! good cheer to you all thank you.


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