From the first, our cat, Blackie decided that puppy Frodo was HIS puppy!

Frodo would chew on the cat's head, but Blackie never lifted a claw to Frodo.

He pins the puppy down and cleans his ears, inside and out. With the size of those corgi ears you know this is a huge task. Now when Frodo wants a bath he sort of gently chews on Blackie, then put his head down. Frodo also cleans his sisters, Roxy and Penny. Perhaps Frodo thinks he is a cat?

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actually, I have noticed the other way around.  The cat has started to lay in the middle of the floor, on her back, paws in the air.  Also I have seen her lay on the bed in the "speed bump" pose; flatten out with legs out to the side.  I was hoping they would exercise and play more, but they play on her (Tootsie) terms.  When Poopdeck is in FRAP mode she will meow to get him to come over so she can swipe at him.  If she wants to run she will take off, if not she will sit down and stare.  Of course sometimes P.D. will stroll by like he is in his own world and wait for her to move. When she does he will start to poke her in the flank with his nose to get her go to faster or push her forward with is chest. Game On!!  As far as I know he has never nipped and she has never used claws.

Haw! You named your dog Poopdeck?  I like the "speed bump". We have been calling it  The Corgi Splat.

When I feed the dogs I give them a bit of the wet food with the kibbles. Blackie the cat waits for me to give him a bit of the wet food. He wants it on the floor with the dogs, not up on his safe feeding place. Then I have to stand guard so the dogs don't eat his share. I think he enjoys tormenting them as much as he enjoys the food.

He eats it v-e-r-y slowly, lifting his head often to lick his chops. Each time he lifts his head the dogs lunge toward the bowl, (with me hanging on to them.) When he is darn good and ready, Blackie strolls away to drink out of the dogs' water bowl.

Blackie also joins us on the Big Walk out in the field.


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