If I find LO chewing something that he shouldn't when I go over to him he drops it, I find it funny. Is this normal because I thought puppies would like run and hide with it???

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That's a good habit. Just be sure to have something he's allowed to chew when you walk over. Give that to him. At least he knows he's not suppose to be chewing it. But, just like real kids, they know that aren't suppose to do that, but will. just to test you.
I do substitute it with something he can chew on, I just don't really recall working on this. Maybe he just knows deep down that some things aren't good for him LOL yeah right
The "Drop it!" command is very important. Sounds like this is you opportunity to teach it.
I have been using "drop it" I guess it worked really quickly because I don't remember doing it too much and don't use it often. I just walk over to him (maybe the look on my face terrifies him lol) and he drops it and I replace it with something appropriate.


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