Franklin, being the graceful dog that he is, managed to smash his face into the side of the levee a few days ago because he stumbled at take off when trying to jump up on top of it. At the time I didn't see any bleeding or anything so we went on our way. Well today I took a much closer look and it appears he chipped a bottom incisor (the little tooth in front of the canine) and there may be a small crack in the incisor above it. I'm currently in an animal dentistry class, and I know the teacher/vet would say the tooth needs to be x-rayed and possibly extracted, but wondering if anyone has dealt with a chipped tooth where the vet opted to leave it in? It doesn't seem to be bothering Frank at all, he still nibbles and tears up his toys with his front teeth, and he has such a hard time with anesthetic that I just don't want to put him through it if its not necessary. Also, I don't want him to look like a redneck with two missing front teeth! Lol! Any suggestions or advice?

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Dee Dee has a couple of chipped teeth.  We had a huge problem with one, but the other ones' been just fine for years.  I did had to ban her from chewing really hard stuff like Nylabones.  She just lost a tooth from chewing a large piece of ice/old age...  She seems to be totally fine though.  :)


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