I've always used a harness with dogs and never had a problem, but recently I've been hearing a lot of bad things from some friends and family members who've used harnesses on their dogs. I'd like to inquire on opinions on which they prefer, collar or harness for  when you take your corgi out and about. I'd like to hear the pros and cons of each to help me decide which would be better to go with. I want the best for my corgi and I don't want him to get hurt in any way.

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With my dogs they were leash trained with a collar and are very well behaved on them. I tried a harness and all they did was strain against it. A collar tends to give you more control with a pup when training. However, some dogs just pull and pull no matter what you try and a harness is the best choice. My advice would be to get an inexpensive version of one or the other and try it out. If it doesn't work for you and your pup then you haven't put a bunch of money into it.

I have always preferred a collar because it gives you more control of your dog and allows you to make quicker corrections if they have unacceptable behavior.  Also, a harness will make your dog want to pull against the lead (ex. think about sled dogs, they pull the sled with a harness)


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