Our corgi, Pickles, naturally loves to jump on things, run up stairs, and run like the wind. We thought it might be a nice idea to get her involved in some agility training classes for fun. Does anyone have any recommendations for some good agility training classes? I did some research online and found Fortis Agility training and Westside Agility Training both in the San Jose area.

If anyone is currently in agility classes with their Corgis or has taken classes and would love to give some insight and tips, we'd love to hear from you. Thanks!

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I can't give you suggestions for trainers because I'm across the country. Jack and I adore agility training. I used to ride horses, so many of the concepts are familiar to me, but the methods of arriving to the same result are totally different. I can tell, for instance, when my dog is approaching a jump without the correct self-carriage and know he'll flatten it, but am helpless to stop it from happening! :-) It's a very weird experience in that way, and so actually I am more comfortable with contact obstacles and tunnels, since they have much less direct correlation to riding hunters.

I can suggest that you find a trainer that uses primarily positive, upbeat methods. Also, you want someone who goes slowly if you ever think you might want to compete. She should focus nearly as much on ground-work as doing the obstacles. I would suggest watching a few classes if you have a few choices of trainers, and finding one where the quick learners don't look bored and the dogs who take longer to pick things up don't look overly-stressed.

Do keep in mind when observing classes that some people with very anxious, shy dogs intentionally take agility to try to bring their dogs out of their shells and build confidence, so don't worry too much if there are one or two dogs who show frequent stress signs early on. But most of the dogs should look relaxed and involved, and the people should be having fun.

You'll probably find that your dog picks up new skills much more quickly than you do. :-)
I agree with Beth. Taffy and I went to observe an "intro to equipment" agility class in our area, and then registered for the session that started last month. We have done 5 weeks of the 8 week session and we are both loving it! There are so many benefits to attending ... obedience, socialization, bonding (our special weekly outing), We're looking forward to continuing on to Basic Agility.


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