Hi all,

I have a question for you - how many hours a day do your corgis sit around the house and what do they do mostly, during those hours?

I work at home so our babies are fortunate in that they get a mid-day outing to break up the day but still, they spend 4-5 hours at a stretch sleeping on the couch. I wish they'd entertain themselves better but despite the large number of toys they have lying all over our living room, they're not interested in playing with them or with one another.

I guess I'm just being the worrywart I always am but - is it healthy for them to just lie around sleeping for so many hours a day?

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I wish our little guys would play ball! When we toss one around they just look at us like we're nuts. Bully sticks are great (except for the smell) but they definitely do get expensive. (btw, hilarious when my husband realized what those are - he was like, "What's bull pizzle?")

Carly is at home from 7am to 6-7pm during the week.  I try to take her to doggy day care on Wednesday to break up the week for her.  When she's at home during the week, I leave her with either an interactive toy or a kong that I froze the night before filled with peanut butter and bananas.  She has plenty of toys and raw hides to play with, but she pretty much sleeps the whole day from what I can tell.  When I get home, I take her to the park to let her run off any pent up energy.

Frozen kong idea is great! I'll try it. Generally they get done with the kong in minutes and then are looking at me like, "what now?"

I'm home a lot during the day (right now anyway) and my corgis definitely get bored (they are both young). They come up and poke me when I'm working, or start whining, or start playing with each other (my preference). I try to take them to the dog park or hiking at least every other day to work off energy (plus their usual 2 walks a day). I also give them toobles or pizzles--one usually takes them about 20 minutes to devour and satiates something in them (they fall asleep afterward). I also sometimes put treats in empty gatorade bottles for them to knock around for a while (takes about 15 min max). If I ignore them they'll both just sleep, but I can tell that they are bored or have pent up energy sometimes (lots of sighing dramatically, or barking at everything). But if your dog isn't complaining (and we all know that corgis know how to complain) then he's probably fine. He's probably just happy that you're around to keep him company. 

You have just described our life exactly! I work at home and so I have to sit around with the pups all day, listening to their doleful sighs and seeing them staring gloomily at me as if I'm the worst mom in the world. :)

As you mentioned, occasionally they'll wrestle or chase each other and I can keep them busy for 15 min if I give 'em a kong or an hour if I give 'em a beef bone - but otherwise I can tell they're not enjoying waiting for me. Lately I've been having to deal with a little bit of whining in addition to the sighing and the staring and that's been tough. Definitely not good for my work focus.

Haha so funny to read this because I was JUST looking at Webley and thinking the same thing. He sleeps sooo much! My boyfriend and I always joke about it and that he couldn't handle having a job. Webley has toys that he plays with too but he only seems interested in them if we're sitting in the living room or somewhere where we can watch him play with them haha. I think think that as long as your dog is eating, drinking, and is excited to go on walks or go outside with you, it's nothing to worry about :) I'm not going to lie- I do enjoy Webbles sleeping so much when I'm sick in bed! Makes me feel better :)

Our dogs do that same thing too - they need an audience! WHen we had a back yard, we'd let 'em out to play and they'd just sit on the back step staring in through the sliding glass door until we let 'em back in. They'd only run and wrestle if we were outside with them and they do the same thing inside. If mom and dad are watching, then they'll be actively playful. Their favorite thing actually, is to stage a wrestling match on our laps.

I have been worrying about this also!! I was thinking that maybe she's depressed?! Esp because she hates going outside by herself.
I work at night, so I leave her inside all night, assuming she sleeps bc the house looks exactly the same when I get back. Then she sleeps with me when I'm sleeping during the day! I appreciate the company, but I'm always worrying that wouldn't she rather be outside? Esp on nice mornings!
She does love to fetch tennis balls though! Feelslike she can do that forever! She has even tossed them up in the air for herself!


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