Took our 4 Corgi girls over to my daughters house on Christmas day.  She has two female Corgis and a male Shelty and they all get along great with our girls.  But she was dog sitting for the weekend.  An older Golden Retriever.  They've had the Golden over before and it gets along fine with their dogs.  We decided to keep her seperate from our dogs at least at first.


Well after a bit the Corgis were all in the yard playing we brought out the Golden.  Our 4 Corgis promptly surrounded her with a perfect half circle and were barking full bore.  The Golden was kind of bothered but not too much.  She decided to walk between the barking Corgis - one of which (Star) darted at her, nipped her face, and the 4 Corgis tightened down on the 1/2 circle and continued their barking.  The Golden then showed her teeth and we decided to keep her seperated for the rest of the day.


Very cool and interesting behavior.  I had seen this once before at the dog park - with another Golden.  I only had Star and Scout with me but they surrounded the dog, barking full bore, until the dog set down.  Once the dog set down the Corgis eased up and went on their way - but when the Golden got up again they came back and set her down again.  Needless to say this wasn't the best adventure for the retriever.  I apologized to the retrievers owner, who understood, and we went on our way.  The Corgis seem somewhat stressed by these kinds of encounters too so they were real happy to get back to the leaded walk.        


They did the same thing to a pointer once but I'm not so sure the pointer even cared - as he was busy  sitting, ie. pointing, as they went on with their little hissy fits. 


Everyone is pretty much real happy when we leave the dog park - that's why we don't go often and when we do we don't stay long!




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We actually experience this on occasion, and tonight was one of those nights. We were at the dog park, the only ones and had been there for about an hour letting the boys and our foster girl play and chase, etc. We saw another dog coming and leashed the girl up right away because she is not spayed and considered dog aggressive (although we have had some great dog park times with her and other open owners who dont mind us doing the correction there...which is very minimal but still just to be safe...) Our boys rushed the door, behaviour we dont find acceptable and their recall is not 100% (lets be honest - its about 20% haha, but we are aware of this and work on it everyday - we LEAVE situations that require us to based on this) They were barking and the man informed us, as he was unleashing his dog that he was a puppy. He was a large lab and I know my boys dont do well with large puppies and their jumping behavior. They get angry if jumped on and pushed around by younger or hyper dogs. 

They surrounded him and barked and barked - our response - we left. The situation was intense and could quickly turn out of control if that dog had decided he didnt want that behaviour. 

Any responsible owner would leave, I am glad you seperated them. Pack mentality is interesting no doubt, especially in herding dogs, although not acceptable in public places and should be corrected right away. We are all fans of this breed and to keep their reputation as friendly dogs in tact, it is our responsibility to make sure they behave correctly.

If you are interested in herding ability, try and find a local farm that allows for herding sessions. Pack mentality can be very dangerous though, in any breed as dogs can get lost in the moment and things can go wrong, very quickly. 


LOL!  Thank you for your "insightful" response. 


When it became apparent that it was going to take more time and effort to integrate these dogs we seperated them - I already said this in my original response.


The person in charge of the Golden was our vet.  I jokingly said to him my dogs are "just out of control" and his response?  "Nope they're just Corgi's".



I read your response and I said I am glad you separated them in mine, if you had read it properly. I am not sure if you are being sarcastic about my insightful response but I was only trying to give some advice when dealing with pack mentality. As I said it is interesting but can be lethal - and needs to be addressed. 


Herding would be a great outlet since your girls sound like they have a lot of energy and drive. 


Having posted on this forum for a couple years now I can promise you no one is trying to be rude so you should not take it that way. Concern would be my guess as you seem fascinated with their instinct (as all of us are) but surrounded a dog should be addressed as a serious concern because not all dogs are as gentle as that golden. It would be horrible for your dogs to attack or be attacked resulting in injury or death. I rescue and foster dogs and see all to often people getting rid of their animals for reasons just like this - it is cute until it becomes dangerous. You mentioned you put your last corgi down because of aggression. Biting and aggression in a corgi is not natural, herding and nipping is. Just be careful with your beautiful pack and you should def. look into some herding or agility courses! :)


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