I'm thinking of having wood floors put down in my home. And I'm wondering what all you fellow Corgi parents who already have wood floors use to keep them clean. I don't think the ruumba is the answer since Griffyn is a "vacuum slayer"!! And the swiffer is only mildly successful on our kitchen floor. So we were thinking about one of those electric brooms to use for spot cleaning in between the usual house cleaning. Anyway.... any suggestions?

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we have no carpeting in our house and we have found that if you sweep or swiffer a couple of times a day it helps alot. We have a bigger problem in our house because our kitchen linolem (spelling, sorry it is early) is a white/gray color and shows the dirt like crazy. But as far as the fur problem we just sweep and use a swiffer.
Dust mops are your friends! :)
We have wood floors that were swept practically everyday and swiffed. We got a roomba. Penny doesn't do well with vacs and she was scared at first. She is getting braver, now following and barking at it. We just continue to work with her on getting used to the vac. But, prior to that I was thinking of getting this electrolux mini vac. Like this:

The wood floor dust bunnies are never-ending with Corgis (and exponentially worse if you have additional dogs, like my German Shepherd). I invested in a cheap 'Shark' vacuum - it's really just a dust buster with a long handle, but it is surprisingly powerful! It works well for quick daily pickups because it is so lightweight. I still have to do a thorough weekly vacuuming with my Filter Queen, but daily pickups with the Shark really helps! You can find them at Target for about $25.
Well I have hard wood floors in my home and the hairs will go to your edges and corners and collect so all you have to do is bend at the waist to pick it up. Now I have 7 corgis and a part Chow rescue in my home so I have a floor duster that I just go around w/real quick to the floors which is daily and high shedding season twice a day. There are times I can get away w/it for 24 hrs. Woohoo!! Thats my vacation time. LOL
So to add to this discussion, can anyone suggest Laminate vs. Hardwood? Speaking specifically about the nails and any damage. I would love hardwood and I'm not expecting to keep the floors perfect (I have an 18 yr old son), but does laminate really not show dog nail marks?
I keep my dogs nails trimmed and don't have a problem w/it and I also don't let them go tearing through the house either...though sometimes we all get carried away and it happens.
I have had hardwood floors and dogs for well over 25 years (also raised 3 boys, too, the youngest is 19.) Wendy is right, keep their nails trimmed and there should be no problem. With respect to laminate, I never heard one way or another that laminate is impervious to dog claw damage. I DO know, however, that if the surface of the laminate IS scratched or abraded, the underlayment is an entirely different color, often white.
Furminator and a Shop-Vac do wonders! Our floors are wood. Most of the fur collects at the corners of things. I can't do much "real work" like bending (smiling at WendtWorth). The Shop-Vac is my friend.
Actually its not real work..its called a quick fix or too lazy to pull the vac out. wink wink LOL
haha, yes I am doing this all the time!!
I should have invested in Swiffer. I love those things and use them daily. I live in an "antique" house with all wood floors. I swiffer regularly and vacuum with the extension tubes to get under furniture and into the corners. It is a constant process, but, since I can't have the Corgis without the hair...I'll put up with the hair. I have a small electric broom similar to the "shark" that JW spoke about and it works fairly well--although I tend to forget I have it. I have allergies--yes even to dogs--so I stay on top of it, but I guarantee There are killer dustbunnies lurking everywhere. It is amazing how stealth those things are.


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