We stopped by Dollar Tree today ... and we stumbled upon the best suprise ever! Well two suprises. We walked down the greeting card aisle, and there was a "Thank You" card with an adorable corgi on it, for $0.50 only!. Then we went down the pet aisle (not that i would buy anything "edible" here for bailey.. eek - but i stumbled upon........ paper plates with corgi's on them!!!! ahh!! and party invites with corgis! Below are some photos. They also had cups, napkins and streamers, etc, with the same corgi photo..!!!

Hopefully there's a dollar tree near you! I bought all the corgi cards on the rack.. all 12 of em, and picked up four packages of the plates.. and two packages of the invites..

i cant seem to keep myself from buying corgi -related items when i see them in a store. It's so rare, especially to see one on a greeting card........ and of all places, a dollar store!

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See- now my husband might just join me on my trips here - hooray Dollar Store!

Has anyone seen these?
I saw them there today! Cute corgi, huh? I did not buy any though, because they are made in China, and I won't give the dogs anything from China. Jerky chicken made in China darn near ruined Bruce's kidneys.
Thanks for the heads up. I think I'll just pitch those!
Oh, I did find the birthday cards and the thank you cards! I snatched them all up. Could not find the plates though, I may try another location.


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