Murphy is my awesome and beautiful 10 month old tri-colored Pembroke and i love him to pieces! He is the perfect boy in every way but there is one problem.  I have two large (50 lbs) desert tortoises in the yard and they poop voluminously every day. Murphy thinks the poop is tasty, and will pick it up in his mouth every chance he gets. Naturally, this totally grosses me out! He doesn't actually eat it, but just runs around the yard with it in his mouth.   i've tried  scolding him and baiting the poop with bitter apple.    I don't want to get rid of my tortoises, i've raised them from hatchlings and they are friendly and fun pets.  I do try to keep their poop picked up, but it is never-ending. Has anyone had this problem or care to offer any suggestions?

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I read somewhere to add vinegar to water and spray the poo with it to keep the dogs from eating cat may google that but I think that is what they said...I have to keep our litterbox clean everyday b/c of my chihuahua...nothing like finding her in the litterbox!! ick.puke. our corgi is too new to know but he shares a yard with a flemish giant bunny so he may eat poo too!
I don't agree with the poop eating situation; it really isn't good for them. There are several reasons for this behavior too:

-It simply tastes good to your dog (disgusting I know!).
-Could be a symptom of anxiety, stress or boredom.
-Puppies may have a vitamin or mineral deficiency and they eat feces to restore this balance.
-If a puppy is punished for eliminating (pooping) inside your house he may on future occasions eat his poop to "hide the evidence". This could happen because your puppy has misinterpreted the punishment. In other words he believes that he was punished for pooping, rather than for pooping in the wrong area.
-Bitches with a young litter of pups will often eat the puppy's droppings. This is to keep the area clean and also to help conceal the litter from any predators.
-If you only feed once a day, some dogs can become very hungry and scavenge around for any food (including poo).

I know this might sound weird but trust me lol... tortoise can eat pineapple... feed them some pineapple... the way pineapple is digested will make it REALLY unappealing to dogs. I have people asking me all the time how to get their dogs to NOT eat its own or other dogs' poop. This works 9 out of 10 times.
Oh wow - i'm trying this tomorrow! Thanks!
By the way, these pictures are just tooooo cute. Tobi would probably try to herd them - lol.
How did the tortoises bribe you to write that?
I love your torti. I would like to own one or two someday, but need to be in a better climate for them. They are on my list to have someday. I'm so glad your doggie likes them. Love the pics..


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