Corgi puppy limping - Unsure how I feel about vet's opinion

About a month ago, our 9 month old corgi (8 months at time of incident) was sat on by a larger dog (~30-40lbs) which resulted in him yelping and the dog quickly getting off him. When he got up (he was laying on his back when the dog sat on him) he had a limp. We took him to the vet and had him on bed rest and anti-inflammatory medication for about a week and he was back to his normal self in no time.

About 5 weeks after he was done with his medication and bed rest, he got out of his crate one morning with a limp in the same leg. It was pronounced so I called the vet right away and scheduled an appointment for the next day. I put him back in his crate after his potty break and let him rest for a couple more hours. When I let him out approximately 4 hours later is was 100% fine. Not even a slight limp or altered gait.

I decided to take him to the vet anyway to be sure he had healed correctly from his original injury. The vet thought it may have been a pulled muscle, but also speculated it could be something as serious as a minor bone fracture. I opted in to get x-rays just to be sure everything was fine.

The results came back OK - but they noticed a 'bright spot' on the head of shoulder. They had a radiologist look at it and recommended a MONTH of bed rest and continued anti-inflammatory medication for a possible OCD Lesion - which may result in surgery if that is the case!

They said the x-rays were not diagnostic, but I feel like this may be a bit of an exaggeration of the issue. Don't get me wrong, I trust my vets (maybe a bit too much), but the more I think about it, the more it doesn't add up. 

Our corgi was noticeably better after 2 or 3 days of bed rest - he would have slight stiffness when first getting out of bed, but be totally fine once he got moving. He had zero issues or indications before the 'dog sitting' incident and I dont think that incident alone would not cause these lesions ( I get the impression is is primarily genetic and nutrition based) - this disorder is also not one that usually affects corgis. From what I have read, it seems that the symptoms of the condition are brought on after exercise, but improve with rest. He is fine after exercise - it was only first thing in the morning after sleeping for 8 hours that he had the limp. It was also a really exaggerated limp to the point where it makes more sense that it was asleep or otherwise 'weird' considering how instantly he made a recovery from it. 

My original hunch in this whole thing was that he just slept wrong when he had the second limp and his leg was asleep, but because it was in the same leg he had an issue with before and his original treatment was more of a 'lets wait and see', I wanted to make sure he didnt have some kind of fracture (which would have been more plausible).

I am not sure what to think. We plan on following our doctors advice for bed rest and continued medication - but what experience do you lovely corgi people have with corgis, limps and the possibility of OCD?

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I agree with your comment on the Vet, I would ask around and look for one that is more conservative in his approach.  The old phrase " when you hear hoof beats think horses before you think zebras " comes to mind.  Glad he is well.


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