Jet is now 8 1/2 months old, and has learned so many tricks and is doing so well. But for one thing: she absolutely positively cannot sit down calmly. Doesn't matter if I've had her out all day long on a Saturday, from 6am on, if I try to sit her down on a dog bed or the sofa in the evening she is a whirling dervish. Are there ways I can help her calm down; or will she grow out of it? I love her so, but I do wish she could occasionally simply sit with me.

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Hi, our female pem Brianna has been very much the same. Constantly demanding attention, lots of barking, no quiet peacetime ever and such. She is almost 10 months now and we are starting to see a positive change - suddenly after a 2 hour walk she is calmer, often sleeping in the corner (Chinese Feng Shui masters should adopt more corgi, they do well in detecting those positive spots) as we watch TV or work.

Sure, she is still very hard to manage if the walk is say 3/4h only but I believe this to improve over time.

Also, the cuddling - she used to be restless as hell and cuddling was a tabboo - she just did not understand the concept. Right now, she is fine to let us pet her and starting to enjoy it (ears folding back) and does not bite your head off if you pick her up.

All in all, our occassional visitors kind of stopped questioning our choice of breed and slowly succumb to its cuteness.


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