Is it just mine, or do all Corgis love ice cubes? Having never been a pet parent to a Corgi, I seriously don't know whether this is one of their little quirks, or if Buddy is just strange! lol I did ask the vet, and she said it was okay for him to have as many as he wants....especially being on the diet he has been on and losing 21.5 lbs.! I toss them, he chases them....then crunches em' up!

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Just like everyone else, our girls loooove ice cubes.
We have a small cooler with a flap on the top for easy access to beverabes, and when we have that out, they just help themselves.

We call it the "corgi flap"!
Tucker loves Ice Cubes. It started when a few fell out of the ice maker onto the kitchen floor. I think he thought it was something to eat, hahaha So now when I get ice in a glass I always throw one to him. I also put a couple in his water dish in the hot weather. He really loves that! And it sure is fun to watch him try to fish them out.
Our little guy Houdi loves them too! I learned it by the same accident, dropped an ice cube and it was GONE!!! I have learned that Corgi's are just kooky that way. Like when he gets snippy when we don't put canned green beans in his food in the mornings. LOL.
Gwenie Love Ice Cubes she thinks she is getting her cubie treat! We give them to her all the time & do watch her. Our Vet says the ice wont hurt her. But man once you step on the carpet when she eats only part of the cube cold! Melted one burrrr. I put them in her water but I live in Arizona its a bit hot! 105F in my garden today! Buddy is so cute have fun ;)
Our Corgis love ice cubes too - Penny will push one around the kitchen floor with her nose, until she picks it up and takes it back to her bed. Chester seems to like them too. Of course he tries to "store" them in his bed, so later there is a suspicious wet spot that makes me do a double-take! :)
Murph loves ice. We had been putting them in his water bowl as well, but then he started dunking his paws and face into the water all the time. He doesn't do it as much now only when he's hot. At least he knows how to cool himself off, right? He recently started going into a kiddie pool all by himself. He makes snorting noises and makes bubbles and tries to eat them. He also does that when he dunks his face in his water dish.


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