Does anyone bike with their corgis? I've never seen someone do it and I don't imagine that corgis are suited to go super long distances... But is it possible? Enjoyable? Healthy for the dog? I think mine is too young (10 months) for anything of this sort, but I'm curious about the future. I tried searching the forums a bit but I couldn't find much about bike riding.

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I suspect that corgis are a bit too small to bike with, and certainly they can't go far in weather over 40 degrees Farenheit without overheating. And they have to build up the stamina to run (you can start now!), but they're herding dogs and running comes naturally.

We live in a city, so biking with any dog isn't a great idea. What my husband and I ended up doing was strapping a milk crate to the back of a bike, and then clipping Edison's harness to the crate. That way he can come with us and get a bit of a runaround whenever we find a good stopping point. Other than becoming distressed whenever our bikes are too far apart (I think his yelps translate to "My herd is not together! This is upsetting!"), Edison seems to cope nicely with the arrangement.
I'd expect it to be extremely dangerous if any traffic around. I've done this a coupla times off-leash on washed-out logging roads, never more than 4-5 miles, and it was really a challenge for the dog to keep up going downhill, even for Al the Rocket. They'll hike over 20 miles in a day, but they're not greyhounds.
We race BMX and Joey has been around bikes since we got him at 8 weeks, we even sometimes take him to the track and my son has actually held him and ridden the track with him, he loves it (well when he was smaller). My husband loves to take short rides with Joey, he holds the leash and lets joey run along, dictating the speed he wants to go. Joey always wants to run fast, and of course it doesn't last long, but he seems to eat it up. I think you have to take the weather into consideration, and plan on a short ride at least to start, but something about their herding nature makes them love to run along side a bike. This can be a great tool if you have health issues with walking or are worn out from work, just use cation. Joey always lets us know when he's done by just sitting down or being more interested in sniffing things. We like to go to a local park that has a fairly short walking loop, that way when he gets tired we're not miles from home or the car, that may be a good place to test him first.
Ours just love to go and since we own a bike shop we've tried several things.The basket was great when they were small. We then went with adult trikes with a back basket that is larger. Afriend came in last summer to ask if we hhad anything for older dogs that love to go but tire easy. We came up with a trailer for dogs or kids. Hope this helps
I saw somewhere on this site that they had an extension arm thingy to attach to your bike for Corgi's. So you could bike with them without the risk of them running in front of you suddenly and also with you having your hands free of the leash... It's been awhile since I saw the post. But I think it would be a great exercise, my corgi would love it but I don't have a bike anymore.


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