Hello all,


The subject line pretty much sums it up. I took him in to a pet store today that has a shot clinic and a vet administered dewormer. Sure enough, earlier this evening there was a roundworm in his poop tonight (ewwww)! He supposedly had one round of deworming already administered by the breeder (we brought him home @ 8 weeks old, he's 11 weeks tomorrow). Is he probably okay or should I take him to the vet to be checked for other parasites? I was recently laid off so I'm extra tight on money right now. I know there's also medicine/vaccines you can buy online. Has anyone administered those on their puppy? Also it might be worth noting he's on k9 advantix now but did have lots of fleas when we brought him home...or so we found out on day 2. Argh!

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Ahhh the dreaded "worms" topic.  Just wanted to make you feel better and know that when I picked up Butters she too had just gotten dewormed by her Breeder.  But alas, not for tapeworms.  I was told by 2 vets that they typically never deworm against this, unless their is evidence.  And let me tell you about evidence.  Bleh!!!  I had never had a dog with worms, so this was a first.  I remember we picked up Butters late at night, and then finally at 4 am she had her first poo.  I was so excited for her for doing it outside until my boyfriend started going "uhhh baby.. you might wanna step away a little".  Of course I didn't and had to take a closer peek.  Sure enough, the little moving rice grains were there.  Barf.  But just like somebody else mentioned, when it's your wee lil' furry baby you can't help but feel bad for the girl.  Anyways, just an F.Y.I. the tapeworm segments can come out also when they are not pooping.  Squeemish people stop reading..... But yes, I found the segments actually crawling from her bumhole while lying down several hours after her last poo.  And they fall off and dry up and look like seasame seeds.  Needless to say, off to the vets immediately!  Vet informed us that over the counter tapeworm products were overall not that effective, and they gave me 1 pill to kill it off.  And it was that easy.  I don't think it cost more than 15 bucks.  But then again, I'm a member of Banfield.  And yes, I also discovered she had fleas.  I was a basket case because I'm a germ-a-phobe.  But I caught it the day I brought her home, and they ceased to exist after the first day.  Gave her a bath, waited two days to put the flea stuff on as recommended by the vet.  You have to wait for their normal oils to return for the medicine to work.  And lots and lots and lots of cleaning around the house.  And that was that.  Fleas and tapeworms DEAD.  Praise the Lord!  :)


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