So Freya had....diarrhea...well super soft poo last night. I'm hoping that it is cause I mixed something richer than she ever had in her kibble and not some strange latent parvo virus. I'm worried about the parvo virus because I walked all over the animal shelter yesterday at work and I know that they've had outbreaks a couple of times in the last 3 years.

I stupidly walked into the house with my work boots on. Bah. But I'm hoping it is the leftover olive oil plus a little bit of garlic powder got to her.

Outside of plenty of water, and some extra probiotics (got to find yogurt that I can give to the dogs), and maybe some organic pumpkin if I can find it--is there anything else I need to do? Is there anything else I need to watch for? I know there's lethargy to worry about and I'll be watching for that too.

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The animal shelter was a singular incident. Our animal control officer is preggers and can't lift much (not supposed to anyway, so I was sent to go along.) I, unfortunately didn't think much of it until I woke up this morning to soft poo in the hall way and I have no clue when she had the time do that. Thankfully, it was on linoleum and not her bed.

I haven't switched her food yet though. Just giving her plates to lick and well the drippings last night. I'll give her some pedialyte, since we still have some from when Cloud had gastritis earlier this year.

I'll have to get some bleach on my shoes.

I'll be watching her. :D Yeah, I worry about her--gah what will happen when I have a kid?

Oddly, Freya learned to go to the doggie door and will go out there--unless I'm not there and she'll go where ever I am.
With parvo they get bloody stools which is very scary. Lucy got it recently, I didn't take her to the vet because it was very late at night when it happened and I couldn't get a hold of my vet, so I had to call a different vet and when I told him her symptoms…bloody very loose stools and coughing up clear flem, he knew it was parvo. What he told me to do was get her unflavored pedialite (for babies a drink) and when she wanted to eat don’t give her kibble for a few days because parvo made her stomach raw, I gave her the meat baby food. She seemed to bounce back pretty quickly. (The vet didn’t want me to bring her in because it spreads so fast.)

Lucy did have her shot for parvo, but I’m not sure why it didn’t worked. She had a pretty traumatic experience after her shots so maybe that made them not work…I don’t know. I have read online that you shouldn’t get their shot when you get them fixed…that’s what I did.

I hope this helps.
That sounds so scary! So far no bloody stools for Freya. I'll have to watch for the next few days and make sure I don't see any at all. I do believe I have pedialite at the house so I'll give her some of that along with her water. You shouldn't get their shot when you get them fixed?
If it continues its best to seek the advise of a vet. Bland foods to help ease the upset to her system and plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Check her temperature. I'm not going to list all of the symptoms of parvo since I don't want you to hold off waiting on them. If she is acting not herself and knowing where you were it is best to be safe and phone your vet. Has she been vaccinated? Lets just pray it is the food. The yogurt is good for her.
She'll have her 3rd round on the 31st. She's still acting normal except maybe more cuddly, which in itself is odd for her.

I know our Weim has been through 4 or 5 rounds of shots.

I'll be watching her and if it comes to it, I'll call the vet. Thankfully, they are open on Saturdays, even if it is half days.
Probably acting more cuddly cuz she's not feeling all that well and alittle upset belly. Atleast shes been vaccinated and there is a flu bug going around. I think this has been the #1 forum discussion this month..diarrhea.
As a vet tech, the best trick I know to add to their food to help with loose stool is boiled white rice. That's it, just boil it. drain and mix well with their dog food. Parvo is generally bloody diarrhea and tons of vomiting. Parvo stool also has a distinct smell that is way more fowl then any stool smell ever. I doubt Freya has parvo, and when coming home from a place with pavo, bleach the crap out of anything and everything that you would have touched. If she's had all of the distemper/parvo vaccines then i wouldnt worry too much.

hope this helps-
I have rice! I can add it to her food for the moment. Thanks for the tip.
Thats right I did give Lucy rice for her first few meals when she had parvo. And her stools did have a very fowl smell. I just don't understand why she got it because her shots were current, oh well she is ok now that is all tha matters.
Well, just to let everyone know--so far, Freya seems to be doing really well. I haven't found any diarrhea. Her poo is still some what soft but I think that should be better soon.

Thank you for your advice!

Oh even though she is still feeling better, she's still loving.
Oh, I talked to the animal control officer and she told me that there was a mat at the entrance that had disinfectant in it. So, it should have killed the virus and my puppy was just upset with my super rich stuff I added to her food. Yay, that made me feel a little better about life.
Thats an excellent idea. I didn't even know those exist.


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