Just a simple question... How do you deal with them?

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I also do the baby wipes trick.  It works great.

Thank you to all for your input! :)

Being a Startrek fan I refer to them as Klingons,as in "Benson the Klingons are orbiting Uranus"

George and Dexter must think that I pay waaaaaaaaaay too much attention to their butts. With that said...During our hikes George poops to the point that he gets...um...stuff...down his back legs...(i'm trying to address this)...Dexter on the other hand is a long haired tri color who rolls in anything that any normal human would consider gross and some times he just accumulates cling-ons. I shave him. But one of the most useful aspects of my Corgi kit is something i picked up from Home Depot. A two gallon sprayer. They sell them for say spraying your rose bushes with insecticide. I keep it in my truck to take care of any goobers the boys pick up or even just washing off their paws. It cost me just a ten spot yet has been invaluable for cleanliness and my SANITY.  With that said I suggest a box of cheap sandwich bags (.99 cents). Put your hand inside and pick off the offensive material then flap the bag over from your wrist so as to wrap the tootsie rolls within. It's also reccomended that a box of sanitizer wipes or a bottle of gel be available.  


Baby wipes.


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