(2007)I don't have any ID microchips in my corgis, was wondering if anyone out there has done it before.

(2009 update) I've since taken all my foster dogs to get chipped. It's cheap and the procedure is fast :)

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Its a good idea and Im sure works great :) My only problem especially around here is if someone steals the dog they can easily just throw the collar away.
Tiki got her chip when she was spayed and Cruise last week when he was neutered. The chips are about the size of a grain of rice. They both have homeagain chips (http://www.homeagain.com/). It's not very expensive and only a small fee each year to maintain them in the database.
Both of my boys are microchipped and registered with homeagain.com. Further they now have usb thumb drive id tags. Talk about over protection!

We found a dog in the parking lot two years ago and the first thing we did was check to see if she was chipped. It turned out that she wasn't and we never found out who her owners were. She was also unspayed, so when we had he spayed we also had her chipped.
We also microchipped Spencer when he was neutered last week. For us, it is an added piece of security
My female is microchipped. I had it done when she was spayed, so she didn't feel it.

I need to get my male microchipped because he likes to follow his nose! But I really don't like how the dogs react when they are microchipped awake- I think it might be painfull.
All of my dogs are microchipped. My grandpa is a vet so he does it for us. We have always used AVID and they do not cause cancer. I love the piece of mind that if my girls get lost they will make their way back home.
All my pets are chipped at this point, including the horses.

One of the reasons I really am for chipping is... well, natural/man made disasters. I've worked a few of them myself and it's scary how many animals get caught in them and might not find their way back to the owners. There is a much better chance that if your pet ends up being taken somewhere and held, you'll get them back. Or if you're traveling.

Especially if they lose their collars or someone grabs a collar to read the tag and the animal gets frightened and the collar is loose enough to slip over their heads. (It's happened to people.) I had Gabe get loose at Denver International Airport on the Tarmac while we were flying, and even though he had a collar on, my first thought was "Thank goodness he's microchipped."

Also, if any of my crew was to get stolen, that does point ownership right back to me. I had a dog who was stolen out of its neighbors yard and dumped here (forty miles away) on the highway with colllar and tag missing and we have a chip reader here at work. We called, and the chip company apparently had the account flagged - they asked us to hold the dog (and called both the owner and the police.) She made it home the day before Christmas to a very happy family. Without that microchip, there was a good chance that might not have happened.

The big thing is to update them! If you move, get a new cell phone number, home number, etc, you really need to call immediately and get that done. It's really hard when the people don't have a current contact number...
Both of my dogs are micro chiped. It was preety cheap and it is nice to have the piece of mind that they can be returned home if they ever get out of the house.
Hunter is micro chipped and I think its a great idea. There was actually just an article in the Star Tribune abount how a dog wondered off and now 7 years later the dog was returned to its owner because it ended up at a shelter, states over, where they found his mirco chip and that is how he was returned.
Shippo came to me microchipped. I'll probably have any future dogs of mine chipped as well.
I use Help Me Find My Pet at www.helpmefindmypet.com. It cost me $39.99. I definitely recommend doing it, and I like this website. Weird things happen in life, even when we think they won't happen to us. For me, it just feels better knowing that I'd have a chance at recovering my babies, if something happened.


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