Shippo & Koga Corgis
  • Female
  • Saint Paul, MN
  • United States
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Shippo & Koga Corgis's Friends

  • Nova & Kim
  • Frances P Moloney
  • Denny & Caroline & Ranger
  • Terry, Maya, & Brees
  • Abbey & Anne
  • LaRae & Raife
  • Lindsay, Fae, and Jimmy
  • J-Mae & Blackie
  • Owen
  • Emily & Daisy
  • Anthony & Willow
  • Juno
  • Brittany,Chancey,&Copper
  • Tiffini & Montana
  • Ali & Harper Rose

Shippo & Koga Corgis's Discussions

Shippo at Fort Woof Corgi Meetup!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Linda Apr 22, 2013. 4 Replies

Dog Opens Doors - OMG the Flies!!! Help!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Julia Aug 24, 2012. 8 Replies

I Feel Like a Freaking JERK. =(

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sam, Gregg & Poopdeck Aug 12, 2012. 24 Replies

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Profile Information

Colorado Springs, CO
About Me:
I am currently self-employed making hand-made dog collars. I enjoy photography, computers, dog training and nutrition.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Shippo is an 11-year-old "fluffy" male Pembroke Welsh Corgi, who is also my first Canine Good Citizen! Despite what many people may think, Shippo is absolutely purebred. He just has a genetic coat mutation which makes his fur longer than the average corgi.

Koga is also a fluffy Pembroke, like Shippo, but has a glorious fluffy tail! He's 11 1/2 months old.

Both dogs enjoy Barn Hunt - Shippo has sevral titles now and has made it to Senior class. Koga is just starting out, but has his first trial soon. =)
I have:

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Shippo & Koga Corgis's Blog

Shippo's Brother, Koga!

Posted on February 21, 2017 at 7:50pm 9 Comments

Hey guys... I've been away from this site for quite some time, and we've been busy.  Back in August, I went on a road trip with Shippo to pick up Koga, who was about 5 1/2 months old at the time.  Same breeder as Shippo.  We met up in Michigan and spent the next day there. Here is a photo I got of Shippo there. <3

Fast forward to today, and Koga is about…


Happy Valentine's Day!

Posted on February 14, 2015 at 3:38pm 8 Comments

Shippo and I hope everyone's having a great V-Day.  We're staying in and ordering a pizza - too COOOOLD and crowded outside. Love to all! <3

Let There Be Treats on Earth, & Let it Begin with Meeeeee

Posted on December 23, 2014 at 3:44pm 7 Comments

I haven't been active enough on here lately, but I wanted to stop by with Shippo and wish everyone a very happy holidays! =)

Happy New Year!

Posted on January 1, 2014 at 1:24am 0 Comments

Here's hoping everyone has a great 2014. =)  It's been one crazy but amazing year for us.

Shippo & I Have Started the Move

Posted on September 28, 2012 at 2:58pm 3 Comments

Well, last Thursday, I took Shippo and the other pets and we finally packed up and left Idaho.  



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At 2:32pm on September 8, 2016, Frances P Moloney said…

Hi Shippo Mom, 

What news of the handsomest fluffy corgi ? Hope all is well with you & Shippo,


At 11:09am on January 4, 2015, Lois B. Allen said…

Oh Cheetah, my hyperactive boy doesn't like spraying either.  I may think about something that I could rub on since that would imitate petting.

At 11:07am on January 4, 2015, Lois B. Allen said…


Thanks for the response on your grooming of Shippo.  Randy has been a hyperactive dog in part due to accidental inbreeding.  His Dad went in search of a bitch in season and it turned out to be a non-litter mate sister.  Some genes that normally wouldn't have had a chance to get together produced a 5 pup litter.  Randy is hyperactive and has a severe heat intolerance so I have to clip him in the summer or he burns up.  He has never liked grooming but that along with the hyperactivity have improved with age as he is 4 now.  But he is still not fond of being brushed.  Because of back issues and a pinched nerve on the left side of my neck this past year I had to have him groomed at PetSmart but I did give him his last bath and maybe I can do another one before long.  I will look into the Espree Aloe Hydrating Mist as it looks interesting and maybe search for another conditioner.  I sorta brushed him this morning but he does not "put up" with it very well.  Thanks again, Lois

At 9:22am on January 3, 2015, Lois B. Allen said…

Hi Cheetah,

Shippo is a very handsome fellow.  I have a fluffy boy, Randy whose hair is not as long as Shippo but this year his hair seems unruly and hard to control.  In the past, I have used an old Oster shampoo with some of my conditioner and shampoo thrown in and he has looked good but not so this year.  I wonder if you would tell me what you use on Shippo's coat that tames it so nicely?  I would like to have Randy looking prettier.

Thanks, Lois

At 4:44pm on April 25, 2013, SJK said…

Shippo is so handsome. My SO loves fluffies and he is super jealous. :P

At 10:13am on July 27, 2012, Sam Tsang said…

Thank you Cheetah, it's beautiful! I'll be happy to get the word out for you next week :)

At 7:05pm on July 26, 2012, Sam Tsang said…

I got the package today, I'll wait for my wife to open it together :)

At 8:04am on July 13, 2012, Sam Tsang said…

Thanks! Looking forward to it :)

At 10:06am on June 28, 2012, Sam Tsang said…

Thanks! Just sent payment.

At 5:47pm on June 27, 2012, Sam Tsang said…

dark chocolate brown would be nice, is it possible to write "Mocha" in cursive? Will paypal work for you? I can also mail a check.


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