Ok, Blake's mom has a miniature Schnauzer named Bessi. Bessi has learned how to open the family's sliding screen door to the back yard. This didn't matter before, because they would lock the door and that kept it from getting opened. But now, she's figured out how to force it open anyway. Everyone is gone during the day, so when she opens it, the door sits open all day and droves of flies go in. And this summer, out in the country, the flies are BAD! And the word "bad" is quite an understatement.

We use their shower because we're in an RV right now so we don't have to live in the house, and I think I killed like 50 flies in the bathroom before I could even take a shower this afternoon. Training or confining Bessi is not an option. They won't do it (Blake's family doesn't train. Ever.), and Bessi just climbs/plows through any gates in her way. And Blake's mom will not close the house up during the day because she likes the air to circulate. So this brings me to my question:

Does anyone know of a good, inexpensive way to dog-proof a sliding screen door, that works for both inside and out? People still need to walk in and out it, and I want to be able to go in that house and do dishes/laundry/shower without being covered in a blanket of flies.

Here is the lock the door currently has:

Looks pretty flimsy to me.

I'm looking for locks, latches, or homemade ideas. Any help is appreciated. Ready set go! =D

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How bizarre that they haven't felt motivated to solve this problem---who wants a house full of flies?? 

I'm guessing placing a pet gate in front isn't a good option or I'm sure you would have done so. The only thing I can think of is just a plain hook-and-eye latch like this http://www.amazon.com/Stanley-Hardware-75-0490-Hook-Eyes/dp/B00004Z0OS

Would that work? Or is it an option to install a dog door in the screen? That way Bessie can still go outside but the flap on the door should minimize flies.

I can't help as we have had our Aussie break the screen and that's even worse:(  I can only imagine the flies as ours here are horrible this year. I would suggest getting some fly strips in the house(the sticky non chemical kind) at least it will help catch some of the flies...good luck!

That would not happen in my house, one fly and I'm out of there.... I would keep the sliding glass door (the glass part) closed.  They can buy an insert glass panel with a built in dog door so the dog can go in and out, if that's what they want the dog to do.  The sliding glass door screens are flimsy and I can't think of any good way to secure one other than a pet gate wedged in front of the screen.

Yeah she refuses to close the glass door. =(

Can't they just buy a doggie door? The flap would keep the flies out. We have this one on our patio door:


So this is a cheesy idea, but I saw an infomercial a couple of months ago for a hanging magnetic screen. You just walked through it and it automatically shut and latched behind you.

One of my friends has one. Their poodle and pom go through it to the yard not problem. It is not mosquito proof around the bottom.

I used to have a screen curtain over my back door that attached with velcro at the top and was weighted with marbles at the bottom. It worked pretty well. There are also doggy doors that are installed directly into a screen.


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