I really think that I found a training method that will work with Lance. We have worked on this before but just not with enough consistency and not with this method.

Last night for some reason, it just occured to me that if we take a little time each day to work with doorbell that eventually it wont bother him because he will be consistently be hearing the door bell ring.

So the last two days I have put a long leash on Lance during the training sessions which allow me to give him a correction, like get back or no. I have my daughter go to the door and ring the bell, and of course he gets excited and barks so I take the leash and give it a quick pull and say no.....back. I do not even allow him to get to the door. We practice several times and by the end of the session I have him laying on his bed calmly and not even barking! I also inform my daughter when she walks through the door not to give him any attention unless he is calm.

I realize that we will need to work on this on a day in and day out basis until he really has this down pat with not only practice but when we have actual visitors come over unexpectedly. I think that he has already figured out that it is my daughter at the door and maybe is why its working so fast, lol. Hopefully even though he can predict who is going to be at the door, it will really work when we have visitors come to the door.

If only this idea came to me alot sooner!!! It is amazing what you learn over the years, especially with this being our first dog.

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Good idea! I should try that. Unfortunately, living alone makes training like that hard because there is only one of me and I can't ring the bell outside and train/correct two dogs! I may have to think of ways to modify this so I can use it though!
I wonder if there is something that you could buy that sounds like a doorbell or maybe tape the sound of a doorbell and you could replay it back for training? It seems like with Lance each year he gets more excited with the doorbell, lol. I would think it would get easier as they got older! For some reason he really gets worked up and I feel like he wants to run out the door and he would just to say hello to whoever but then if something caught his eye, forget it!!! The new method I believe will work well, just have to keep at it.
Lance cracks me up, today as I was sitting at the computer I saw him look back at me as he was heading toward the front door!!! Is mom looking, maybe I can sneak to the front door!! I said turn around and he did. :) No one was at the door either, its like he was testing me!!
How funny! They are so sneaky sometimes!


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