Sometimes my corgi Honey will go days without eating. One time she went a whole week! She's been doing it since she was very little she's now 4yrs. I'm not sure if it's normal or if we should take her to the vet to get her stomach checked or something. I think it might be because since a very young age we fed her people food so she always expects to be fed some. So she doesn't eat until she's 100% sure we are't going to feed her our food. Any Advice? Please Repond!!!

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It sounds to me like she is waiting to make sure that she isnt going to get anything better to eat. I would cut out giving her people food and see if it changes her eating habits if it does then you know that is what she is doing.
I agree with Natalie. No more people food. She is probably surviving on the treats given to her and doesn't need her dog food.

Teach your little Honey that nothing in life is free. Pandora went through a not eating stage. We would put the food down and pick it up 15 minutes later. She now eats every bite within minutes. Don't add anything to her food. Just give her dog food. Switch to giving her kibble for treats. Our little corgis are smarter than you think and yours has you figured out. It will take some time. Look up "nothing in life is free (NILF)" for more information on how to start this program.
Yep, people food is probably your problem. Absolutely no more people food. Also cut out any treats. The only thing we get is our kibble. Feed once in the am and once in the pm. Do not over-feed. Depending on how big your corgi is, ours are between 20-28 lbs and get 1 1/4 c. per day. That's it. Put it down and 20 mins later take it up. Don't leave it down for grazing. You are going to have to be very, very diligent and consistent to overcome Honey's desire for people food.
Thank-You everyone for your help I will try this again that's right again I've tried it before but with no success but it may be because she was so young when we first tried and really had no intention on paying attention to eating but instead on ruining the furniture, playing, or soiling the rugs now that she's older maybe it'll work. Oh, and while I'm here I ask that eveyone say a prayer/wish luck to Tereasa who's corgi Jesse has run away and pray that Jesse is returned saftley to her.
Days without eating? She's not a corgi. Or even a dog. If you think she's going days without eating, she's feeding on the sly.

We control our dogs' diet rigorously. They get treats for training rewards, but those are MINUSCULE. A dog treat can be smaller than a match head. Watch your dog's weight. An overweight corgi is not a healthy corgi. Consult someone who knows how to tell, learn how to assess your dog's weight, and don't let her get heavier than that. Bad for her back and general health.

Ahem... this is really gross... but this means, among other things, limiting their access to the catbox. Corgis will eat ANYTHING.
Ours is a verp peculiar eater. She will ONLY eat the orange bag of Kibbles and Bits. And she wont eat when my daughter isnt here. I think its her way of protesting "her human" being gone!. Also she picks at her food. She will get some in her mouth and drop it on the floor. She will eat the pieces she wants and leave the rest. Thank God we have 4 other dogs to clean up her mess!!
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with "people" food like apples, carrots, broccoli, green beans, blue berries, etc. This is real food. It's also contained in their kibble according to the ingredients so, why not give them fresh food instead of the hard compressed kind now and then? I wouldn't advocate such food as hamburgers and French fries from McDonalds or a taco but, those veggies can cause no harm and they certainly don't deter Bubba's appetite. If filled up on the above of course they won't eat their kibble if given to much but in moderation, I see nothing wrong with it. I shred carrots and put them in Bubba's kibble since that's the only way he'll eat them. We all give them "people" peanut butter so...


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