Hello everyone :) 

Whenever our 9-month-old pembroke Marco is chewing let's say a rawhide bone, his eyes tend to bulge out just a little bit as he chews. For example, if he's chewing the bone on the right side of his mouth, his left eye will bulge out a little bit whenever he bites down. 

He's perfectly fine, he has no problems with his visions or anything else, I would just like to know if it's normal? I couldn't find anything on google so I'm guessing it's not a serious problem.

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like really really bad considerably? or just you see more whites of the eye?

Hard chewing can make the owner's eyes bulge out.   Mine did when I saw the vet bill for extracting the tooth that Al broke on the heavy beef bones I loved to give him.

Frank's eyes do this too. Its creepy to see but no biggie.


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