Hi all, my corgi Kirby is fearful of a few things for no reason that i can tell.he does not like canes, vacuums, a running car ( if he is not inside it that is) and he is terrified of ocean waves ( the ones he is around are no taller than an inch or two) is anyone experienced is curing the fear of the waves?

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Hi Amberlie,


What you need is a regular  6 ft nylon leash and some treats, keep yourself between the ocean and Kirby, start with walking parallel along the shoreline, don't get too close that she gets wet, keep your leash short. 

Once she gets used to walking back and fourth the shoreline, you can move a little toward the ocean where the wave wets the sand, continue to treat him and reward his behavior, let him focus the the treat in your hand. 


Always rinse him afterwards, have fun!

Soap bubbles, umbrellas, loud reports (like gunshots or thunder).

Make little surfboards out of small buoyant edibles.  Goldfish crackers?  Maybe coat them with vegetable oil to prolong buoyancy?

I think a fear of ocean waves is quite healthy. The ocean is VERY dangerous to our stubby legged friends and Franklin used to have no fear, that is until a sleeper wave came upon us and he almost drowned. Now he is fearful of the waves when they come towards him and I am actually quite happy about that since if another sneaky wave comes up I will only have to worry about getting myself to safety since he would outrun it! I have seen way too many dogs killed by being swept away by the ocean, including 2 different labs, who are stronger swimmers by far than a corgi. I have also heard of at least one human who drowned after trying to rescue her dog who was swept away by the waves. If he is scared of going to the beach, just constant exposure with lots and lots of reward should get him over that with time. I really do suggest keeping him far from the waves though!
I agree with you. Noodles doesn't like the ocean, but he loves the sand. My husband and I will walk along the waters edge, but Noodles will be way up on the sand. No problem by me because I know he won't accidently be swept out to sea. I know Noodles loves going to the beach, so it isn't like he is deathly afraid of the ocean...he chooses not to get wet. He is also the one who has figured out how the sprinklers rotate to avoid getting wet.


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