I live in south Louisiana, fleas are a big problem here, especially since I live in an apartment complex with almost all dog owners. I originally started Toki on sentinel, she was on it for 2 months before I found a flea on her, I found out from the vet that it doesn't kill them so I put her comfortis about 2 weeks ago. I recently found a flea when brushing her. Can you get a random flea problem even though the pet is medicated?

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I think that if there are fleas in the environment, they will jump on your dog. Depending on the flea medication, the flea may have to bite your dog in order to die, right?

My dogs were on Frontline all summer, and the cats on Advantage. The dogs suffered from fleas miserable while the cats were like "ha ha, there ain't no fleas on me!". We switched the dogs to Advantage and the fleas were gone.

I have heard good things about Comfortis, so hopefully that one fleas was just a rare occurrence.
I use Comfortis as well, and according to the little information pamphlet I got with, it says, "when fleas jump onto a dog, they will be quickly killed by Comfortis. Any other household animals should also be treated with an approved flea product to help control the flea population." Hopefully, the other dogs in your apartment is also on flea medication!
I live in Lafayette and Penelope has been on Sentinel since May. We actually haven't had any problems, knock on wood, with it. But, I guess the apart situation makes a difference. Lots of ppl use Comfortis and have good results. Just make sure that if you find a flea on her to wash her bedding and vacuum really well to make sure their aren't anymore inside.
Yeah, I'm in Baton Rouge and I have Dax on Sentinel (seems to be a trend with us LA people, hmm?). At first I was naive and thought "if I don't take him to a flea infested area, he won't get fleas." So I just had him on a heartworm preventative. I've never been so wrong in my life. He was INFESTED. His poor belly was all scabbed up and red and irritated and he was scratching constantly, he was miserable. So I gave him Capstar, bought some Raid Flea Killer, which works GREAT by the way, treated my house, and put him on Sentinel. That was about 6 months ago, and I haven't seen a flea since. However, living in an apartment, it's the same concept as other pests. When I lived in my last apartment, it was CLEAN. I'm a bit OCD about my own home. My apartment was clean, it was treated, and I STILL every now and then would find *pests* and I don't mean fleas. It's the people around you, and if their dogs have fleas, you'll find some every now and then on your dog too. Sentinel doesn't kill them, but it does keep them from breeding, so something like Capstar is good to have on hand if you find some live ones. I haven't needed it since I put him on Sentinel, but I don't live in an apartment, so that works to my advantage. I don't really like topical stuff like
Advantage or Frontline, I prefer to just give pills or chewables, they seem to work better in my experience and don't have as many adverse reactions, but every dog is different, you just have to find the right balance. :) Good luck though, fleas are pretty persistent. You can ask my boyfriend, I had to have a "death to fleas" day to get rid of them in my house.
Thanks for all the suggestions! :) I'm still not sure if I want to keep her on comfortis or switch to a topical. She doesn't scratch alot so she doesn't have any major flea problems so hopefully that was one freak flea occurrence. I will stay vigilant though and continue on the flea war. Thanks for all the help!


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