Fluffy owners.  Can you tell me how long does it take for a fluff to have their full fluffy coat?  This is Quin at 6 months and right now it seems like she just has a strip of wavy long hair down the middle of her back.  Or is this how she will be?

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Our puppy is 10 months and his butt just started to get fluffy but nothing else yet. His butt sheds like crazy now and she's gorgeous btw :)
There's a huge variation in how long-coated they actually end up being. Some of them never go beyond slightly longish and wavy, others look like small shelties. Usually by the time they're 18 months they have their full adult coat, whatever it's going to be. There are a lot of dogs who were puffballs as babies who really could pass for standard-coated dogs as adults, and a lot of dogs who just had a little bit of softness behind the ears or on the pants as babies who all of a sudden look like chia pets.

I love the coated dogs in all their forms, but I've noticed very little consistency in how they turn out.
Thanks Joanna, you are always so informative and we are very lucky to have you take time out of what i am sure is a very busy day to answer goofy questions from silly corgi people like me;-) Quin gets more beautiful by the day and i am trying to appreciate every minute.
She is so gorgeous - I guess I didn't know the difference between the fuzzy corgies and regular corgies til I watched dogs 101 on animal planet today lol. I guess our puppy just has a super fuzzy butt.


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