Name: Murphy
Age: Just turned two last month
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Fur Colour: Black and tan with white markings and a little redhead
Fur texture? short and soft
Eye Colour? brown
Size: Short and weighing in at 23 lbs.
Sex: Male
Where did you get him/her? From a breeder in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Runt of the litter? I'm not sure, but it wouldn't surprise me with how small he is and his personality
Any special stories about the dog? So many
Where's the mother? In South Dakota
How much did you pay? $640 including the flight
All shots taken care of? Indeed
Spayed or neutered? Yes definitely
Any injuries/illnesses? None so far
Does it bite? He nibbles when playing
Does it jump on others? Yes, he gets so excited
Is it house broken? Yes, he learned really quickly
Has he he teethed on your favorite pair of shoes? Only his dad's. They must have better smells than mine do.
Does your dog bark? Yes, but he has his more quiet days
Does it like fetch? Oh absolutely. That's his favorite game in the world and he even brings it back most of the time. He also likes hide and seek
Sit on demand? If there is food involved.
Did your dog go to obedience school? No, I trained him myself
Does your dog play nicely with other dogs? Oh yes.
Has your dog ever humped your leg? Never
What is the most destructive thing your dog has done? He chewed up an electrical cord, thank God it wasn't plugged in.
Any nifty tricks? sit, lay down, roll over and shake
Where does your dog like to sleep? He has a number of places during the day. Dad's side of the bed, his bed, and the couch. But for bedtime he likes to sleep at the foot of the bed on my side or in his crate.
Favorite food? He really likes chicken jerky. If you even mention the word "chicken" he goes nuts over it. He also loves carrots, cheese, strawberries, blueberries and watermelon.
Favorite toy? his ball and really sturdy plastic bone that he loves playing fetch with.
Favorite place to run around? Outside or in the house. Makes no difference to him as long as someone's chasing him.
Favorite parent? Probably me because I'm with him a lot more, but he loves his daddy too.
Is your dog hyper or calm? A bit of both
He like being inside or outside? outside
Does it learn quick? Yes, better than any dog I've ever known.
Is it stubborn at all? Very
Does your dog like to swim? He just started getting acquainted with water on his own this past fall and he seemed to like it. He also doesn't seem to mind kiddie pools.
What is your favorite thing about your dog? He's just so smart and beautiful. He's fun to be around and makes me laugh. He's such a great partner in crime.
How much time do you spend with the dog? All the time I can
How about your spouse? He spends a little less than I do, but he's a very busy guy and spends time with Murphy as often as he can.
Would you take a bullet for your dog? Absolutely.
How many dogs have you had/have? He's my first. My parents have owned lots of dogs throughout my childhood, but none were actually mine. So he's the first dog that I can really say that he's mine. And my husband never had any dogs growing up so this is a first for him as well.
When was the last time your dog was at the vet? Last summer I think.
Why? Getting his annual shots and check up.
Do you have pet insurance? No.
Do you let your dog lick your face? Yes, I likes kisses. He will actually pin me down so I can't get up.
Have you ever shared food with your dog? Just the healthy foods and not often
Does your dog sleep inside or outside? Inside.
How many times do you walk your dog? Usually twice a day
Do you brush your dog's teeth? Yeah, just started to and its been working great. He really likes it and perks up when I ask him if he wants his teeth brushed.
Do you think your dog loves you? He lets me know everyday <3
How can you tell? He follows me all over the house, will give kisses non-stop and always wants attention from me
Has your dog ever bitten anyone? No
What does he/she look like? He's just the cutest thing. Words can't even describe. Cutest dog I've ever seen at least.
Do you tell your dog you love him/her? Everyday
Has your dog ever had puppies? Nope, no babies for this guy.
Do you like your dog to sleep with you? I wouldn't mind if he cuddled more. He does, but only on his terms and he can get cranky if you touch him or brush up against when he's sleeping. He will grunt and groan, sometimes make really scary sounds, but he wouldn't ever hurt anyone. He just likes his space.
Is your dog protective? Yes, when other dogs come near he's right there in front guarding me.
Has your dog ever scared you? Yeah, he has run out of the front door a few times and that's always scary. Luckily we don't live on a busy street and were able to get him back into the house.
Where did you get him? Breeder in Oregon City, Oregon
Does it bite? Nope. He did it once when we first brought him home and daddy told him "No"...hasn't done it since.
Personal preferences
Where does your dog like to sleep? At night...inbetween mommy and daddy. While we are at work, on one of the couches.
Is your dog hyper or calm? He's mellow.
What is your favorite thing about your dog? Since this is mommy filling this in, I love the fact that he is a mama's boy and is ALWAYS there with me. He is my shadow.
How many dogs have you had/have? First one. I've had 2 growing up, but my mom took care of them.
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