Someone told me that if your dog is having terrible gas from his food then something isn't agreeing with him.

I suppose that makes sense but what is considered terrible gas? Freya will fart and it smells like she pooped in the house some where (I mean wet pooped). I've added some yogurt to her diet (which since has made her super picky and will only eat her dry food if she absolutely has to without the yogurt.) I don't want to give her too much yogurt and change her flora ratio too much.

So how much is too much yogurt? Should I switch foods (I didn't notice it when she was on Avoderm)?

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Thanks Peggy! I may switch back over to Avoderm or see if I can find some Wellness or Canidae. She's not terribly interested in her food unless I add some warm water to make it smell good or add yogurt to her meals.
Petco has wellness, if you have one near you.
Colby had this problem, too - I felt like I needed a gas mask at home. After talking with our vet, he suggested that it could be due to stress, like a change in diet or environment. He also suggested that for dogs that eat too fast, it can produce lots of gas.

So, when Colby was about 4 months old (before his current disinterest in food), we got him a "slow down" bowl to help him eat more slowly and it got rid of almost all of the gas. So, if she'd eating really, really fast, you may want to try something to slow her down a bit...
We've tried the special bowl with prongs in the middle that's supposed to slow down eating and Ein still inhales his food. The only way I can get him to eat slowly is by hand feeding him so that he can't eat too much at once. Even then, he doesn't chew, just swallows the kibble.

Not sure if it's related to his fast eating or his diet, but he has frequent stinky gas. It seems to have gotten worse since we switched them back to Beneful when I lost my job, which doesn't surprise me since it's not as good of a food as what they were on. Oddly enough, both Ein and Tucker seem to be more farty since switching back to Beneful, but Colleen seems to be less burpy. She has always been a big burper (and a LOUD burper.
you could try a feeder cube if you really want him to slow down?
I've used Stonyfield Farms Organic fat free yogurt....plain or vanilla, isn't overly sweet (especially plain--wow that's tangy!). I eat the vanilla, so I may add a Tbsp to the dogs' food if they've been loose.
Our dog had foul smelling gas, then we bought him digestive enzymes (the human kind at the grocery store) and give him one with each meal. He doesn't have gas unless we forget to give him one. We just put it in with his kibble and he eats it. They are very inexpensive. Good luck! Ours was on Canidae and is now on Wellness and still had gas. It wasn't till we added the enzymes that it went.
Gosh, I thought my older corgi and farts were a natural combination! Bear will actually look over his shoulder and lift his nub before letting loose. I've learned to hold my breath. Anyway, we also use Stonyfield plain yogurt in the kibble as the dairy proteins help with bone density. I'm going to try Beano and/or the digestive enzymes with my old man - he'll probably wonder why he can't empty the room as he used to!!


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