Hey everyone,

My Pem is about 3 years old now and lately I have noticed that he goes to his crate more often now than before. At night he would sleep on the bed with me, but lately he will spend half the night in the crate (going there on his own, I don't tell him to go there) and half the night on the bed.


The reason this is strange to me is that for the last three years (this behavior has only been going on for a couple of months), he would always be out and about and a total "velcro dog," always sticking to us. Now he just goes to his crate and will stay there for hours.


Do you think it's a winter thing? Or a "you don't pay enough attention to me!" thing? Or something else entirely?


Thanks in advance.

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My boy is one, this week! He spends his nap time in his crate. I got a new bed for it a couple months ago & it's his nest. Yesterday when "daddy" was going to work corgi was already settled in. Dad put on the lead & tried to bring him with, but he was adament that it was nap time & he was gonna be in his crate. Bed time he sleeps in our bed. If we are up too late he looks at us as if to say "G'night" & waddles off to the bedroom & we'll find him stretched out in the middle of my side.


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