I was thinking about trying this with Luke but I haven't heard much about it from corgi people. He always has his nose to the ground during walks though so I figured he might enjoy it, lol. Has anyone tried it?

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I assume you're talking about tracking and not obedience scent-work.  I've done both with Malamutes, but scent-work I could do alone, whereas tracking is a LOT of work and best done with someone else who can assist in laying one or more tracks. You train in all kinds of weather and different terrain...   I don't see any reason why you could not succeed with a Corgi.  It is very demanding of time and effort on the part of the trainer.  If you have that kind of time and drive, you will certainly both enjoy it.  I simply could not, at the time, and gave up.  My hat goes off to anyone who seriously pursues this amazing sport.

Do you want to do outdoor tracking or just some basic classes? There was a nose work component in Fur Fun, a class Becca and I took. We worked mainly finding treats hidden in or under objects. it was fun, but I preferred the agility and rally parts and followed up with classes in those. Several trainers in my area offer nose works classes. I would look for a basic course and see if Luke enjoys it.

I really wanted to get Frank into tracking. I had a highly successful Search and Rescue dog growing up and training her was so much fun. It is VERY time consuming. When inquiring about tracking they said they start their sessions in the winter here, not sure why. Franklin LOVES to use his nose and his nubbin goes about a million miles an hour any time he is tracking something. We've never done any real training but he has a natural ability to track and knows instinctively how to make large sweeps and work into smaller sweeps of areas. We do a lot of scent work when we play fetch. I fake throw one way and actually throw another when he isn't looking. He then has to use his nose to find the ball. It is his favorite game and wears him out!

For those who are attending the Corgi Faire in Dixon, CA next month, I heard they are probably going to do a demo of Nose Work with a trained corgi.  Should be interesting to see and then ask questions.

Sorry for the confusion - I'm referring to the K9 Nose Work classes as seen here: http://www.k9nosework.com/

The only thing I'm not fond of, is the dogs who aren't currently working are kenneled during class. I completely understand why, I'm just not sure how much fun that would be for Luke. 10 minutes of work and 50 minutes in a crate doesn't exactly sound thrilling, lol. Maybe I could try setting it up at home and see if he takes to it.

Really I'm just bored with the training classes around here. I've done rally classes quite a bit with him, but he gets really stressed out in competition-type environments so we don't actually compete (much to my trainer's dismay). I'm not a fan of traditional obedience at all, and I worry too much about his knee to do agility. Sooo yeah. I did find a place doing the herding instinct test which I think he would LOVE, but I don't know if I would be able/willing to drive 2 hours each way for lessons.

I have done K9 Noseworks with both my boys. They loved it. I liked it because I could work with each of them individually. Our classes only had 5 or 6 six dogs in them. and yes, that included my two!!.  So, every dog got to search/find it several times.   ....we are in a yahoogroup of fluffy corgis. it has corgi people from around the world and there are several corgis involved in K9 Noseworks in their areas.

I do it strictly for fun. I have no intention of competing.  

My boys are 14 1/2 AND 11 1/2. It helps keep them both active mentally and physically.

Realize that you will start with finding just food.  Odor will be added later once they have honed their hunting drive better.

Try it.  It's really the only way you'll know if it's for you an Luke.

I went to a nosework workshop yesterday with Rosie. She loved it and was really getting it. I think it will be lots of fun! Rosie was a rockstar in the class. Her nose is always to the ground and she is very nosy so this should be right up her alley. Where are you Jane? I'm in northern Iowa and there is a very active group in Cedar Rapids.

I just read Jill's post and the workshop I attended did not start with food. They start with Birch right off the bat with lots of treating. The instructor gave us a 6 week plan to work on at home and had us work on week one and two. Week two was putting their nose in a plastic box with the scent in it and a hole in the top of the box. It took Rosie maybe twice sniffing the box to stuff her entire snout in the hole where the odor was. I'm anxious to get started with her and get to week three where we use 2 boxes, one with scent and one without, and see what she does. There is going to be a trial in Cedar Rapids using just boxes and birch. I'm hoping she's doing well enough to go.

I just signed up for a nosework class with Foxy.  I'm looking forward to it.  I think corgi's have an advantage being they are so close to the ground lol.  I'm not sure we'll go far with it.  I always think I'll try something new with her and she how likes it and decide from there if we are going to pursue it. 


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