Have you ever not been able to find your corgi for a few minutes? It happened to me yesterday. It was doggie dinnertime and I started calling for Sidney. I quickly located Bruce and Chester but no Sid. That's weird, I thought. Sid's always first in line when it comes to food! I asked my son "have you seen Sidney", but he hadn't either. We started checking in the house and I began to get worried. Checked in the back yard, raising my voice to call for him with that telltale catch in my voice that betrays my crumbling hope. Tears starting to well up as I begin interrogating other family members; "Are you sure you closed the gate?" "Did he maybe get out the front door?". Argh, it was horrible. As it turns out, he managed to close an upstairs bedroom door behind him. My son found him and you can imagine my immense relief and I hugged him so tight! I'm sure Sid was wondering what the heck was going on and why did we disturb his peaceful nap?

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Zeus is a major jumper. For such a small dog he can jump up onto quite high places. Our back yard is fenced in and there is an alley that runs up between my house and the neighbors house at the end of the alley is where our trash can sits and then there is another gate. There is about a 3 foot high jump up onto the front porch and then out into the free front yard and the EXTREMELY busy road I live on. He has successfully jumped up onto the porch and walked over to the neighbors porch and sniffed around. I was completely terrified since it was late at night and he is so small I was terrified he had gotten hit by a car. Thank God he was ok!
Wow, that's one amazing little Houdini! I'm so glad you found him before he got too far.
Ein likes to hide underneath my bed and there's been quite a few times when I've closed the door when she's still under there. Then, going to look for her, the first time it happened I panicked, but since I live in an apartment, I felt pretty silly because she couldn't have gone far.


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