Well, I'm impressed! Thank you for spelling out your problem and how well she is progressing so clearly. I learned from your post and everyone's great responses. You didn't mention toys and chews, does she have stuff to keep her busy? There has been a discussion going about the Kong Wobbler and many people say they feed their dogs a meal in it, as I do. It gives them a little mental stimulation and fun. Even at 4 years Snickers likes to chew and has recently taken to nylabones. There have been lots of discussions about things to give them to chew on, if you haven't read them.
PS, don't get discouraged when she backlides. As long it is two steps forward for every one step back, you are making progress.
It's not normal that an 8 month old pup will poop in the morning, again in 45 minutes and again in 2 hrs. This should be addressed with the Vet. She may have some food allergy, or some other issue. If she is not digesting her food properly, her eating the poop may actually be allowing her to get more nutrients from it. It's hard to address a problem from a training standpoint if there is an underlying physical problem. The same with urinating A healthy 8 month old pup does not pii every 2 hrs. Confining her to her crate aggravates the behavioral issues if she has a physical need to eliminate that often, so now you have a murkier picture. If you got her at 8 wks.of age, the impact of how the breeder raised her is largely irrelevant. IMO something else is going on here and that's why you've had such an uphill battle.
I have a 4 month female welsh corgi (Mumble), and she's the same way. We train her the same way we trained our 1 year old male corgi (Mojo). Mojo is well behaved, he waits until we let him out to do his business, where as Mumble poops and pee in her crate, carpet and OUR bed!!. She eats her own poop, lick and chews on everything, hyperactive, jumps on anything and everything, even bully poor MOJO!. Giving her a treat every time she does something good does not help.
Alex, I am not a Vet, but I know that food allergies can manifest as behavioral problems in children and hyperactivity can be one of the results. I see that as a distinct possibility in your pup. As you point out, you were successful in training your one year old Corgi and have done nothing differently, so I would not think you have a training problem.
Where did you get your pup? Any history on the parents? If you got the pup from a breeder, your breeder may have some suggestions.
I have had a whole room covered in thick plastic & they can go any where in it...
I put newspapers down & pick them up 2X a day, we have snow & wild animals outside & it is surprising how often they go... My little guy is starting his 5th months now & its a good 2 or more months since he did not use the plastic room also I give them allot of praise when they use it because it saves me vacuuming & washing the carpets...
It sort of sucks to have it inside but at least its only that one room...
In the summer we will put up a fence- right now he still cant even walk down the stairs to get outside...
We will get that new system going this summer I hope:))) Then they will just need a caged area straight outside the door:))) YAHOO
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