So here's the story. Recently I have been taking Autumn to the beach every day for 1 - 3 hours or so and just letting her run. She loves the water and has generally stuck pretty close by me. Just running back and forth chasing (and barking at/biting) the waves and following me if I walked the other way. For 2 weeks she was pretty good. However the last few times we have gone to the beach she just runs and runs like crazy and won't pay attention to where I'm at, or if I'm calling her, walking the other direction etc. I can't really figure out what the difference is. I have tried giving her treats when she comes to me several times when we are out... so its not like when she comes to me she knows that the trip is over... it might mean a reward instead. I'm guessing that it is because she doesn't want to leave... but she never gets tired! She will literally run for hours and still dig her feet in when I try to get her to leave. Autumn is fine everywhere else... just not off leash at the beach now. And I hate to keep her on the leash because I know she can be good (when she wants) and she really needs to run. Does anyone have any suggestions??