First, sorry for the long post. My fiancé and I fell in love with corgis ever since we saw our first one and 

have been looking to adopt/buy an adult corgi for the past several months. We've tried looking at shelters, breeders, rescue groups, and FINALLY just 2 weeks ago, we found a breeder in Spencer NY (Diane Nelson) who has an available adult female. Through various email contacts, we finally set a date and time to meet. However, some "problems" have come up, and we have no idea if we're being too picky, or she's a shady breeder. PLEASE HELP! If you could give your opinion on the situation or about the breeder if you have heard of/know her, that would be great!

The corgi is a 4 yr. old unsprayed female, and the breeder was asking for $350, which I figured was reasonable.

She's been very responsive and helpful in the emails...except she only does emails. She will not give out her phone number, stating the reason that she's busy and email is better for her. Okay, i guess that's reasonable enough.

Everything was going very well until we got to the medical history part....

When I asked for the corgi's medical history, she said that she does her own vaccinations except rabies shots and does not have any medical records. I asked to talk to the vet, and she writes back a not-so-nice email saying that she already said the dog only sees the vet for rabies shot, so there won't be any other record regardless. Okay...

Then I asked if she does genetic screenings on her litters, and especially, the corgi we are going to get, and she said yes but she doesn't buy the certifications and just goes with her vet's word on it. In other words, she does genetic screenings but has nothing to show for it- and she did took the dog to check for hip problems when she was 2. When I asked AGAIN to talk to her vet, she again said there is nothing to see and the vet doesn't disclose that information anyways. (But then again, I said if she takes the dog for hip screenings and even just rabies shots, I still want to talk to the vet.) After asking THREE times for the vet's information, she never gave me a name or number, just reasons why I can't talk to the vet. 

Finally, my fiancé and I said that we won't purchase a dog or puppy or anything living for that matter without knowing its medical history or at least talking to a vet about its health. She wrote back a defensive email claiming NONE of her buys ever asked for medical information, and NO ONE has ever asked to talk to the vet. She also says ALL her dogs live to be 12-15 and never has any medical problems. 

My fiancé and I figured we're done with her any ways, but for the future (we do plan to get a corgi sooner or later), please let us know if we did something wrong here. Was it wrong of us to ask these information, or are we just dealing with a shady person? Also, we live 4 hours from her, so we don't want to make multiple trips if we don't have to, so that's why I wanted to talk to the vet before we go there. Also, she lists two of her puppies on and she does have good reviews on that website. She has her phone number on breeder's sites and puppy finder, but yet she refused to give us her number when I hinted that maybe phone conversations will be easier.

Thank you!

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