hey everyone,so tonight i was rubbing scrapers face and i noticed that there's a pimple size bump on his face..i separated his fur and saw that its flaking/crusting. I'm so worried! I tried to do some research online and i read that it could either be skin cancer or allergies. I'm hoping that it's just allergies, but it's only one bump and the things that i've read of allergies there are usually multiple bumps.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Please let me know, i've included a picture as well.. but it's a bit blurry and far.

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Could it be ant bite or spider bite? The photo is out of focus :( Can't really see the detail...
ah i know.. i tried to take a closer picture but even my camera would blur.. i think cause its too small and im trying to get up close to it. darn.
Pandora had a pimple size bump on her face that quickly grew. We had to have it removed. It was under her eye and she now has a scar. She was just over a year. Luckily it was not cancerous, just a cyst.

I would take him to the vet if it doesn't go away in a few days. It may be nothing, but I don't mess around with weird bumps.
Dogs get acne too. It's most likely a clogged pore that may've gotten infected and oozed a little (hence the flaking and crusting). Scout had a little cluster of three or so of them on her chest, they went away after about a week. Keep an eye on it. If it is really smelly that could be an indication of an bad infection so a vet visit could be in order. But it more than likely is just a harmless pimple and will go away on its own.
thanks everyone for replying! i'm going to wait it out for a few more days and see if anything changes.. hopefully it's nothingg, i'll keep everyone posted!


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