Abby, my 18 month old Pem has had 5 days of diarrhea. Not horrible, uncontrollable, but several thick very loose stools the consistancy of oil. No blood until yesterday, and it was a very small amout, bright red (may have been just from irritation from going so often, but definately low in the intestinal tract since bright red).
Anyway, vet examined her and felt she has IBS symptoms and she is most likely getting something her system can't handle. I have been told Corgi's have a high incidence of food allergies.
She has been on the same food since she was a puppy (Breeder started her on Purina HiPro), so I don't think that is the problem. She IS a furry vacuum cleaner a dinner time and will clean up the smallest crumb from the kitchen floor.
I just can't fathom that these tiny pieces can be the cause of the problem...another potential suspect may be the Milk Bone biscuits. She only gets one a day (small ones); each one is a different flavor--Peanut Butter, Chicken, etc.
I have also noticed that she LOVES to eat the little fruits that fall from the Bradford Pear trees in my yard...
Has anyone run into this problem with their Corgi before?? We watch her, but she sneaks the tree fruit so quickly...and of course, they love to sniff, so I don't want to discourage that, but it is difficult to determine where the sniffing ends and the eating begins sometimes!
She is on Metronidazole for a week (already seems to be helping), but if I don't pinpoint the cause of the problem, she will just keep having this over and over!
Thanks for any feedback! Joanne

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Thanks for the reply! It does contain beef, wheat, rice and corn. I had read that beef is one of the biggest allergy-causing ingredients, but since she had been on it for so long (without problems), and this breed has a high risk of problems when changing foods, I thought it best to leave well-enough alone...I know some of the biscuits contain beef flavoring as well, though I can't say for certain what else as I don't have the box any longer.
If her food is the source of the problem, do you think it would be just causing intermittent problems, rather than pretty regular problems, with her bowels? I'd hate to see her on long term steroid therapy if all I need to do is eliminate the offending substance...
Hi, Joanne and Abby. So sorry to hear Abby is having tummy trouble. We have had trouble with many allergies for years, including grain sensitivity. Charlie didn't have any problems until he was almost 2 years old. I have read that this is not an uncommon time for allergies to start. I would change her to a grain-free food and see what happens. Charlie's diarrhea stopped within a day or two and we have had very few problems since, (with stomach issues anyway, not so well with skin problems) Get well soon Abby.


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