Hi!  Finally made the decision and Ella is going in for ACL surgery in about a week.  I want to order the Kong inflatable E-collar instead of making her wear the plastic cone of shame and I wondered if anyone has had any experience with this type of e-collar?  I looked at the sizes and after measuring her current collar, it looks like I will need a large (even though they say a large will fit a golden retriever!)  Thank you!

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Those are the best things ever!  Last summer Max had to have surgery to remove a large growth from his side.  Having been thru a corgi, surgery and those cones I didn't want to have to deal with them with Max.  Max was able to do everything easily with the E-collar.  No problem eating or drinking, I had to remove the cone for my other dog in order for him to eat or drink.  We have a ramp off the deck for Max and he had no problem going up or down that, stairs he didn't try which was fine.  After a couple of days he figured out how to lay so that the collar became like a pillow.  He has to wear it for 3 weeks and he never once tried to get it off.

Katie had to have a small growth removed from her front leg a couple of months ago and I used the same collar for her.  Nice that you can wash the cover and pack it away if you ever need it again.  She was fine with it, didn't try to get out of it and I thought she would be on to do that.  She also figured out how to use it as a pillow when she laid down. Hell, she was jumping off the side of the ramp to chase squirrels with it on.  She was in it for 2 weeks.

Thanks Linda!  I'm glad to hear you've had good experiences with them.  I ordered one, I just hope I got the right size because she's going in for surgery next week.  I'm nervous.  My husband is going to make a ramp for her to get down our stairs to go potty.  I'm trying to think of everything I might need.  I had to drag her crate back out from the basement as she will have to be crated for a bit. 

Cindy....I got a large, Max is a big boy, 35 lbs and a fluffy tho I had him trimmed down before surgery but it fit Katie at 29 lbs just fine.  You thread their own collar thru the loops on the inside and then it closes with a Velcro strap so you have some lee way in adjusting how it fits.

Not only was it easier on the dogs but I didn't have bruises on the back of my legs nor chipped woodwork.  They are able to see all around them so it cuts down on their banging into things and if they do it's soft so no damage to woodwork or your legs.  The ramp is a good idea, it's something you may decided to keep to make it easier on her.  My husband built a ramp off our deck for Max, he has neck problems and had to minimize his time on stairs.  Also, even tho they are short raising her bowl a couple of inches off the floor reduces stress.  They do have the holders for food/water bowls that are only a few inches high and they aren't dinky little bowls, I have 5 animals that drink out of the water bowl so it's good sized.

Let us know how she is doing.  Good healing thoughts for her and comfort for you.

Best wishes for successful surgery and smooth recovery.

Thank you, Anna!

We've used one on Sidney, it is so much better than the plastic cone! Best of luck with the surgery...they are tough little dogs and I'm sure she'll do great!

Thank you!  It arrived today and seems to fit good.  She wouldn't move at all with it on, just stood there looking sad, lol.  It looks comfortable for her though!

Hi Cindy,

We used a large as well. I thought it was going to be too big, but it kept Jerry from licking his neuter incision.  Jerry's brother used a medium size, which looked a lot smaller and did NOT keep him from licking.  I think that's where the large really comes into play.

It made me laugh because Jerry sounded like he was walking around with an inner-tube, ready to go swimming.  He was a good sport about the collar.  And they look MUCH less sad than with the cone :)

Best of luck!  Ella will thank you for the comfy pillow collar!

Marina, it arrived today and I thought it was going to be huge on her but after I put it on her, it's fine.  I'm glad I went with the large! 

Surgery is this coming Thursday :(  I'm nervous about it.  Sometimes she seems to be walking just fine.  Her vet says she will be better in the long run by getting the surgery so that's why I'm going through with it.  I already have her crate set up in the living room and my husband will be making a ramp for taking her outside.  I take her to the vet at 9:00am Thursday and pick her up on Friday at 4:00pm.  They give her laser treatments to help with pain or swelling ?? and so they want to do one just before she goes home.  She had a bath today so she is clean and fluffy.  :)

I will keep Ella and you in the good thoughts.  Please keep us posted on how she is doing.

Cindy....just wanted to let you know that I have Ella in the good thoughts and prayers today.  Please keep us posted as you can.


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